Table 24 DkuTempMaxInfo.csv file (Title: <<DB temperature maximum value
DB00 DBPS001
Temperature maximum value
DB47 DBPS472
Temperature maximum value
Note: An item name is displayed as DBxx DBPSxxy. The names are listed in ascending
order of the DB number. See
DBxx and DBPSxxy.
This CSV file contains information about DB temperature for every two hours. A record is
DB temperature information obtained from the environment monitor. A record output to
the first line shows the latest temperature information. Because DB temperature
information is measured by DBPS, items are displayed in this unit*.
DkuTempMinInfo.csv shows the minimum temperature as DB temperature data. The
total number of items depends on the following model:
VSP G200: 17
VSP G400/VSP G600/VSP F400/VSP F600: 49
VSP G800/VSP F800: 97
The DB temperature data displayed in DkuTempAveInfo.csv (average temperature only),
DkuTempMaxInfo.csv (maximum temperature only), and DkuTempMinInfo.csv (minimum
temperature only) is the same value as the DB temperature data for DkuTempInfo.csv.
If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, the data that is output
every two hours might not contain data for the period. If a failure occurs in the storage
system, the correct information might not be output.
Appendix A: Examples of storage configuration reports
System Administrator Guide for VSP Gx00 models and VSP Fx00 models
DkuTempInfo.csv (on page 248)
Year, month, and date when temperature
data was acquired in the format:
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-
hour period of DB00 DBPS001
Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-
hour period of DB47 DBPS472
For VSP G200, item shows up to DB07
For VSP G400, VSP G600, VSP F400, VSP
F600, item shows up to DB23 DBPS232.
for locations and values for