To read 256 bytes from address 768 into the host computer the command is:
PUT {and (p)ut} Commands
paaaaaaaassss...put data...cccc similar to the GET command except that data
is sent to the logger immediately following the command string.
cccc the 16 bit checksum for the (p)ut command includes the address, size
and data fields (i.e., everything except the "p" command and the checksum
itself) and is sent MSB/LSB.
For example, to reset the logger timer to zero, you will want to put zero into
addresses 0004, 0005, 0006 and 0007. The command is:
P is the put command
0004 is the offset address (in the registers)
04 is the put data count
00000000 is the data to put
The data format for the GET or PUT is a continuous string of hexadecimal
characters. The first two characters correspond to the first byte requested or to
be sent, the next two characters is the second byte, and so on. The data string
is terminated by a carriage return. A command to retrieve 16 bytes may
appear as:
the returned data may appear as:
Where mmll = Get data checksum consisting of a 16 bit binary addition of all
binary data (not HEX representation) within the retrieved information
(excluding the checksum and CR). The checksum is sent as four HEX
characters - mm = Most Significant Byte and ll = Least Significant Byte.
Two hex characters are always received or transmitted (most significant digit
then least significant digit) even though the number is smaller then 16. For
example, 10 decimal is sent or received as 0A.