Learning units
1. Step: Wire the CPU
You can come into contact with live wires if the PS 307 power supply module is turned on
or the PS power supply cable is connected to the main power supply. Ensure the S7-300 is
completely disconnected before wiring!
1. Connect the wired front connector to the CPU.
2. Fasten the connector.
3. Connect the power supply for the digital inputs and digital outputs:
4. Connect the incremental encoder to the 24 V power supply.
5. Connect the encoder signals (X2, pins 2 to 4).
6. Connect the relay circuit to the power supply.
First Steps in Commissioning CPU 31xC: Positioning with digital output
Getting Started, 08/2011, A5E00105533-03
– 24 V to X2, pins 1 and 31
– Ground to X2, pins 20 and 40