Low contrast phantom section
Schematic diagram
syngo CT 2007E
Low Contrast Test
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This chapter describes how to use the low contrast section of
the phantom set and how to do the low contrast test.
The availability of the low contrast test is country-specific. It has
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to be activated by Siemens Service.
The low contrast phantom section consists of a 165 mm diam-
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eter, 25 mm thick, water-equivalent, brown plastic cylinder. A
clear plastic insert at the center contains 3 sets of low contrast
pins (with diameters of 3, 4, 5 mm, each set with 4 pins),
together with two 20 mm diameter measurement areas.
The two 20 mm diameter measurement areas are used to estab-
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lish low contrast differences between the pins and the sur-
rounding area. The rated contrast between the pins and the sur-
rounding area is 6 HU 1 HU (0.6 % 0.1 % contrast).
Emotion Operator Manual
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