Attaching the mounting hardware to the rack
You might need to determine where to install the system in the rack, and install the mounting hardware.
Use this procedure to perform this task.
Note: The system requires 4 EIA rack units (4U) of space.
Figure 2. Rack with 4 EIA rack units (4U)
To install the rails into the rack, complete the following steps:
1. Use the rack-mount template to determine and mark the location.
2. Locate the left slide rail. The left mounting slide has an L stamped on the inside front location.
3. At the front of the rack, position the left slide rail (C) between the left-side front and rear rack EIA
mounting standards as shown in Figure 3 on page 4.
4. Insert the front slide flange locator studs into the front EIA mounting holes.
Installing the IBM Power System E850C (8408-44E)