Park lets you move a call to a temporary holding place (a system
slot). Any internal party can then retrieve the call by selecting
the parked slot and retrieving the call. If you do not retrieve the
parked call, the system calls you back after a designated time.
The amount of time a caller can remain in call park can be
changed by the system administrator.
Note: For the feature described here, this procedure uses a Park
key (refer to "To program a feature key" on page 14).
To park a call
1. During a call, press the Park key
2. Dial the slot number (0-9) where you want to park the call.
You will need this number to retrieve the parked call.
Note: If you pick a system slot that already contains a call in
park, you hear a tone and the display remains unchanged. If this
happens, you can try another slot.
To retrieve a parked call from any telephone
1. Press the Park key
or dial # 56.
2. Enter the slot number where the call is parked.
Note: If you have forgotten the slot number where you parked
a call, the call will return after a system-programmed Park
timeout expires.
Refer to "Feature Access Codes" on page 39 for information on
accessing features through special access codes.
Park 31