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Samsung CW29M066VGXXEC Service Manual
Samsung CW29M066VGXXEC Service Manual

Samsung CW29M066VGXXEC Service Manual

Color television receiver


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Chassis :
K55A(P) Youngstar_Rev.1
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Summary of Contents for Samsung CW29M066VGXXEC

  • Page 1 COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER Chassis : K55A(P) Youngstar_Rev.1 Model CW29M066VGXXEC CW29M066TGXXEC SERVICE Manual COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CONTENTS Alignment and Adjustments Exploded Views and Parts List Electrical Parts List PCB Diagrams Schematic Diagrams...
  • Page 2 ELECTRONICS This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Mar. 2004 Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable Printed in Korea AA82-01386A International and/or domestic law.
  • Page 3: Alignment And Adjustments

    5. Turn the Static Focus VR counterclockwise slowly for the clearest center vertical line. After Adjustment 6. Turn the Dynamic Focus VR clockwise slowly for the clearest third line. 7. Check for the FOCUS of entire screen. If necessary, re-do adjustments 3~6. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 4 - Adjust Sub Contrast to set Y. - Adjust B Drive to set y. - Adjust R Drive to set x. (3) Check the value of Low-Light. If necessary, readjust Low-Light. (4) Check the value of High-Light. If necessary, readjust High-Light.15 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 5 3. If White Balance has been readjusted, re-check Screen Voltage. 4. After adjustments are complete, check the following. - If spots appear on the screen after pressing the Power On/Off key, readjust Screen Voltage. - If flyback lines appear on the screen, readjust Screen Voltage. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 6 A dju s t X and Y v alue wit h W /B ad ju st e d v alu e pe r area by c h an g ing R /B C u t of f a nd R /B D r iv e v a lu e . Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 7 TIME ON : H TIME OFF : L RELAY DEGAUSSIGN COIL CONTROL:Based on standard specifications HIGH H : IN1, L : IN2(BA7657F) PIN(#16) Control jack VDD 3.3V HIGH RESET X-IN Reset active : HIGH X-OUT Crystal oscillation input jack Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 8 LOW : GNDHIGH : OPEN STATUS Initially, these pins select an input source at LOW state S-MUTE System (NTSC/PAL) MUST be separated POWER Active “LOW” H,P-ID 1080i control jack : 1080i (LOW), RF (Hight) TILT HIGH Magnetic field control Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 9 V-SC(Fix) Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 10 Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) CXA2151SUB01 CXA2151SUB02 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 11 V-SC(Fix) Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion up adj LOW-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 12 Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) CXA2151SUB01 CXA2151SUB02 1-10 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 13 Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) CXA2151SUB01 CXA2151SUB02 Samsung Electronics 1-11...
  • Page 14 Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) CXA2151SUB01 CXA2151SUB02 1-12 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 15 Horizontal pin distortion adj H-PAR Horizontal pin distortion up adj UP-COR Horizontal pin distortion low adj LOW-COR Horizontal Trapezium distortion adj H-TRA Vertical line slope adj(parabola) Vertical Linearity adj(sawtooth) ANGLE V-POSITION ADJ as to CRT INCH V-POSI(Fix) CXA2151SUB01 CXA2151SUB02 Samsung Electronics 1-13...
  • Page 16 Sub-Bright Sub-Bright control Sub-Contrast Sub-Contrast control Sub-Color color gain control(PAL SETTING AGAIN) Sub-Tint HUE control CTI-Level Chrominance Transient Improvement COL AXIS color detection axis setting(NTSC/USA) LTI-Level Luminance Transient Improvement vertical osd position Merody Volume Volume gain control 1-14 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 17 Sub-Bright control Sub-Bright Sub-Contrast control Sub-Contrast color gain control(PAL SETTING AGAIN) Sub-Color HUE control Sub-Tint Chrominance Transient Improvement CTI-Level color detection axis setting(NTSC/USA) COL AXIS Luminance Transient Improvement LTI-Level vertical osd position Volume gain control Merody Volume Samsung Electronics 1-15...
  • Page 18 V comp V-EHT compensation setting(PAL SETTING AGAIN) PIN-EHT compensation setting PIN comp (PAL SETTING AGAIN) AFC-EHT compensation AFC comp WHEN USED 74HC123 Sync phase Not used NR Off Value Sync phase control of VGE mode Sync phase(VGA) 1-16 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 19 V-EHT compensation setting(PAL SETTING AGAIN) PIN-EHT compensation setting PIN comp (PAL SETTING AGAIN) AFC-EHT compensation AFC comp WHEN USED 74HC123 Sync phase Not used NR Off Value Sync phase control of VGE mode Sync phase(480) Sync phase(1080) Sync phase(VGA) Samsung Electronics 1-17...
  • Page 20 SHP f0 SHP f1&p/o DTV Adjust (480) Southeast Asia/Hongkong S.Asia Australia REMARK ITEMS 29"SDI 32”LG 29"SDI 29"SDI 32"LG 35”TSB Sub-Bright Sub-Contrast Sub-Color Sub-Tint COL AXIS LTI-Level VM-Level VM-Coring VM-f0 VM-Limit VM-Delay SHP CD SHP f0 SHP f1&p/o 1-18 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 21 Alignment and Adjustments DTV Adjust (1080) Southeast Asia/Hongkong S.Asia Australia REMARK ITEMS 29"SDI 32”LG 29"SDI 32"LG 29"SDI 35”TSB Sub-Bright Sub-Contrast Sub-Color Sub-Tint COL AXIS LTI-Level VM-Level VM-Coring VM-f0 VM-Limit VM-Delay SHP CD SHP f0 SHP f1&p/o Samsung Electronics 1-19...
  • Page 22 SNI High pass filtering SNI Corring control SNI COR SNI CLIP SNI Clipping control SNI LPF/DIF control SNI LPF/DIF DNIe On/Off/Demo How to set up : Please set up the DNIe:On/Off on the OSD screen and than change. 1-20 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 23 Demo On/Off SNI Horizontal overgain control SNI OVG H SNI Vertical overgain control SNI OVG V SNI HPF SNI High pass filtering SNI COR SNI Corring control SNI CLIP SNI Clipping control SNI LPF/DIF SNI LPF/DIF control Samsung Electronics 1-21...
  • Page 24 OFF/ON WOOFER ON/OFF ON/OFF Z7 MODEL : “ON”, A10/Z6 MODEL : “OFF” DNIe Demo *DNIe Funtion Young star/Hercules 6th Remocon OFF/ON Non Dome spk Speaker TTX TOP Help DNIe DEMO * is different according to the model. 1-22 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 25 Wide AV JACK AUTO FM 2-Tuner 2-Tuner 2-Tuner West Europe West Europe West Europe TXT LANGUAGE High Deviarte TTX ON/OFF AV BY CH KEY TTX List Fri WOOFER DNIe Demo Youngstar Youngstar Youngstar DNIe Function 6th Remocon Samsung Electronics 1-23...
  • Page 27 0~100 Standard ColorTone 0~100 Standard Tint 0~100 Movie Contrast 0~100 Movie Brightness 0~100 Movie Sharpness 0~100 Movie Color 0~100 Movie ColorTone 0~100 Movie Tint 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~255 Brightness(RGB/DVD) 0~255 Cintrast(RGB/DVD) 0~255 U Saturation(RGB/DVD) Samsung Electronics 1-25...
  • Page 28 Start Value of Lum LUT(PIP)-NR_ OFF 0~255 Noise Reduction(PIP)-NR_OFF Picture Limit Level 0~15 OSD Bright adjustment(LRGB2_LEV) 0~15 TTX Bright adjustment(LRGB2_LEV) 0~255 Left Blanking(480p) 0~255 Right Blanking(480p) 0~255 Left Blanking(1080i) 0~255 Right Blanking(1080i) System(480p) System(1080i) 0~255 Crcb Gain(480p) 0~255 Crcb Gain(1080i) LTI Mode(480p) 1-26 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 29 Alignment and Adjustments EUROPE ITEMS Range REMARK 29” 32” 34” 29” 32” LTI Mode(1080i) 0~255 TTX V Position 0~255 TTX H Position 0~255 16PIP UPPER CORNER OFF SET 0~255 16PIP UPPER CORNER OFF SET 0~255 4:3 Nomal Paraboia Samsung Electronics 1-27...
  • Page 30 0~100 Standard ColorTone 0~100 Standard Tint 0~100 Movie Contrast 0~100 Movie Brightness 0~100 Movie Sharpness 0~100 Movie Color 0~100 Movie ColorTone 0~100 Movie Tint 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~100 0~255 Brightness(RGB/DVD) 0~255 Cintrast(RGB/DVD) 0~255 U Saturation(RGB/DVD) 1-28 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 31 Start Value of Lum LUT(PIP)-NR_ OFF 0~255 Noise Reduction(PIP)-NR_OFF Picture Limit Level 0~15 OSD Bright adjustment(LRGB2_LEV) 0~15 TTX Bright adjustment(LRGB2_LEV) 0~255 Left Blanking(480p) 0~255 Right Blanking(480p) 0~255 Left Blanking(1080i) 0~255 Right Blanking(1080i) System(480p) System(1080i) 0~255 Crcb Gain(480p) 0~255 Crcb Gain(1080i) LTI Mode(480p) Samsung Electronics 1-29...
  • Page 32 PAL VSP9407 h’BA High Byte 0~255 PAL VSP9407 h’BA Low Byte 0~255 NTSC VSP9407 h’BA High Byte 0~255 NTSC VSP9407 h’BA Low Byte 0~255 Letter Box Operation (ON: “1”, OFF: “0”) 0~255 Sub Title Operation (ON: “1”, OFF: “0”) 1-30 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 33 Alignment and Adjustments 1-5 Screen Change(I C Bus Geometric Adjustment) V - Amp H-Parabola V-Shift Upper Coner H-EW 10 Low Coner H- Trapezuim 3 H-Shift V-Linearity Angle Upper Linearity V Position Low Linearity V SC Samsung Electronics 1-31...
  • Page 34 Alignment and Adjustments MEMO 1-32 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 35 Electrical Parts List You can search for the updated part code through ITSELF web site. URL : http://itself.sec.samsung.co.kr 3. Electrical Parts List 3-1 CW29M066TGXXEC Level Loc. No. Code No. Description ; Specification Remark Level Loc. No. Code No. Description ; Specification...
  • Page 36 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000734 R-CARBON;4.7KOHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2M ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000734 R-CARBON;4.7KOHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2M ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000734 R-CARBON;4.7KOHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2M ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000734 R-CARBON;4.7KOHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2M ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 37 2008-000284 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.1OHM,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9X10M ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R405 2008-001011 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.18ohm,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9x10 ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R413 2008-001018 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.47ohm,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9x10 ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R828 2008-001088 R-FUSIBLE(S);1ohm,5%,2W,AG,TP,3.9x12mm ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R304 2008-001088 R-FUSIBLE(S);1ohm,5%,2W,AG,TP,3.9x12mm ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 38 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C701 2401-003578 C-AL;1000uF,20%,10V,GP,TP,8x20mm,5 ..4 EY838 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 L907 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL;10UH,10%,2534 ..4 EY860 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 L702 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL;10UH,10%,2534 ..4 EY859 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 L701 2701-000114 INDUCTOR-AXIAL;10UH,10%,2534 ..4 EY858 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 39 2201-000723 C-CERAMIC,DISC;4.7NF,20%,3KV,Y5U,TP,16X5 ..4 EL801 6042-000001 EYELET;ID2.2,OD2.7,L3.1,NI+SN,BSP3-1/ S.N.A ...3 C523 2306-000272 C-FILM,LEAD-PPF;820NF,5%,400V,BK,29X25.5 ..4 EL802 6042-000001 EYELET;ID2.2,OD2.7,L3.1,NI+SN,BSP3-1/ S.N.A ...3 V999S 3704-000114 SOCKET-CRT;14P,29.1,35.5,SN,ISH09S/BK ..4 EL805 6042-000001 EYELET;ID2.2,OD2.7,L3.1,NI+SN,BSP3-1/ S.N.A ...3 CN906 3711-003051 CONNECTOR-HEADER;BOX,8P,1R,2.5MM,STRAIGH ..4 EL806 6042-000001 EYELET;ID2.2,OD2.7,L3.1,NI+SN,BSP3-1/ S.N.A ...3 CN906 3711-003974 CONNECTOR-HEADER;BOX,12P,1R,2.5mm,STRAIG Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 40 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C598 2201-000599 C-CERAMIC,DISC;0.56NF,10%,500V,Y5P,TP,5..4 EYP01 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C598 2201-000599 C-CERAMIC,DISC;0.56NF,10%,500V,Y5P,TP,5..4 EYP02 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C2560 2301-000016 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;22nF,5%,100V,TP,7.2x4.5x ..4 EYP03 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C2560 2301-000016 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;22nF,5%,100V,TP,7.2x4.5x ..4 EYP04 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 41 S.N.A ..4 HA83-00040B LP-MARKING PAINT;,METALLIC SILVER,SV-012 S.N.A ..4 HA83-00006A LP-RESIN HIPS;,BASF495F,NTR,HB S.N.A ..4 HA83-00011A LP-RESIN;,M BATCH,WILSON 6007-GY-60,GRY S.N.A ...3 T0245 HA61-00711C HOLDER-PCB;29K8,HIPS,HB,GRY S.N.A ..4 HA83-00006A LP-RESIN HIPS;,BASF495F,NTR,HB S.N.A ..4 HA83-00011A LP-RESIN;,M BATCH,WILSON 6007-GY-60,GRY S.N.A ...3 T0082 3001-001092 SPEAKER;10W,8OHM,87DB,150HZ Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 42 ASSY CHASSIS ...3 IC602 AA91-07634A ASSY MISC-SOUND;AA62-30181K,TDA7269,SOUN S.N.A ..4 0205-001153 GREASE-SILICON;SC102,JAPAN,- S.N.A ..4 T0124 1201-001385 IC-POWER AMP;7269A,ZIP,11,19.6,DUAL,13,P M0017 AA91-07780A ASSY CHASSIS;CW29M066VGXXEC,SDI-MST,ELDO S.N.A ..4 T0081 6003-000333 SCREW-TAPTITE;RH,+,2S,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SW S.N.A ..4 AA62-30181K HEAT SINK-ES;-,AL6063 EXTR.,2,WHT,40MM,- S.N.A AA65-30105A CLAMPER CORE-WIRE;ALL MODEL,NYLON 66,V2, S.N.A ...3 IC801S AA91-07635A ASSY MISC-SMPS;AA62-30181K,5Q1565RF,SMPS...
  • Page 43 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000281 R-CARBON;100OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM ..4 R125 2001-000780 R-CARBON;470OHM,5%,1/8W,AA,TP,1.8X3.2MM Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 44 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.1OHM,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9X10M ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R405 2008-001011 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.18ohm,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9x10 ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R413 2008-001018 R-FUSIBLE(S);0.47ohm,10%,2W,AF,TP,3.9x10 ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R828 2008-001088 R-FUSIBLE(S);1ohm,5%,2W,AG,TP,3.9x12mm ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x ..4 R304 2008-001088 R-FUSIBLE(S);1ohm,5%,2W,AG,TP,3.9x12mm ..4 C2560 2305-000665 C-FILM,LEAD-PEF;100nF,5%,63V,TP,7.5x4.0x 3-10 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 45 S.N.A ..4 C701 2401-002619 C-AL;47uF,20%,25V,GP,TP,5x11,5 ..4 EY816 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C701 2401-002619 C-AL;47uF,20%,25V,GP,TP,5x11,5 ..4 EY815 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C701 2401-003034 C-AL;220uF,20%,16V,WT,TP,8x11.5,5 ..4 EY814 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 C701 2401-003034 C-AL;220uF,20%,16V,WT,TP,8x11.5,5 ..4 EY813 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A Samsung Electronics 3-11...
  • Page 46 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ...3 TU01S AA40-00108A TUNER;TCPW3001PD18A(S),TCPW3001PD18A ..4 EY436 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ...3 T0087 1203-001944 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;78RM33,TO-220,3P,-,PL ..4 EY437 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ...3 T0087 1203-001944 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;78RM33,TO-220,3P,-,PL ..4 EY818 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ...3 T0087 1203-000243 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;7812,TO-220,3P,-,PLAS 3-12 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 47 S.N.A ..4 R075 2001-001194 R-CARBON(S);82KOHM,5%,1/2W,AA,TP,2.4X6.4 ..4 EYP14 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 R075 2001-001194 R-CARBON(S);82KOHM,5%,1/2W,AA,TP,2.4X6.4 ..4 EYP15 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 R525 2002-001006 R-COMPOSITION;4.7KOHM,15%,1/2W,AA,TP,3.7 ..4 EYP16 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A ..4 R515 2002-001017 R-COMPOSITION;1Kohm,10%,1/2W,AA,TP,3.7x9 ..4 EYP17 6042-000002 EYELET;ID1.5,OD2,L2.8,NI+SN,BSP3-1/2H S.N.A Samsung Electronics 3-13...
  • Page 48 HA83-00040B LP-MARKING PAINT;,METALLIC SILVER,SV-012 S.N.A ..4 HA83-00006A LP-RESIN HIPS;,BASF495F,NTR,HB S.N.A ..4 HA83-00011A LP-RESIN;,M BATCH,WILSON 6007-GY-60,GRY S.N.A ...3 T0057 AA64-70117B BADGE-BRAND;,AL,T1.5,10.6,L65,BLK,SILVER S.N.A ...3 HA83-00049A LP-ADHESIVE-HM;12MM,NTR S.N.A ...3 CIS7 AA61-60003J SPRING ETC-CS;-,SUS304,-,-,OD6,N7,OD6,-, S.N.A ...3 AA65-30105A CLAMPER CORE-WIRE;ALL MODEL,NYLON 66,V2, S.N.A 3-14 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 49 Exploded View & Parts List 2. Exploded View & Parts List 2-1 CW29M066VGXXEC,CW29M066TGXXEC You can search for the updated part code through ITSELF web site. URL : http://itself.sec.samsung.co.kr Code No Description;Specification Q’ty Remark S.N.A AA64-04006A CABINET FRONT;29M06,HIPS,HB,SV012P,SEH,K CIS3 S.N.A AA64-70117B BADGE-BRAND;,AL,T1.5,10.6,L65,BLK,SILVER...
  • Page 50 IC905 291.25 145.75 T401 69.5 120.5 LC801S 320.75 95.75 T444S LR402S 142.5 97.25 TU01S 10.5 227.875 LR403S 136.5 TU02S 125.25 227.875 LR404S 25.25 VP801S 253.5 LR405S 135.75 18.75 VX801S 305.25 LR408S 100.5 18.75 X601 225.25 192.75 X901 170.5 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 51 4.75 85.75 IC502 4.75 112.5 IC503 65.75 112.5 22.5 IC504 Q501 35.75 57.5 Q502 40.25 57.5 Q503 26.5 62.5 Q504 44.75 57.5 QF02 132.5 39.5 QF03 39.75 QF04 117.75 QF05 144.5 39.75 QF09 146.5 110.5 QF10 124.5 110.5 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 52 PCB Diagrams 4-3 MICOM PCB DM01 27.5 24.5 ICM01 ICM02 ICM03 63.5 14.5 ICM04 54.5 61.5 ICM05 38.5 ZM01 39.5 ZM02 45.5 49.5 ZM03 46.5 ZM05 ZM06 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 53 31.25 TR13 EQ03 30.5 31.25 TR14 21.25 EQ04 55.25 46.25 TR15 23.5 EQ05 48.75 46.25 TR16 25.75 EX01 16.75 16.75 XF03 90.5 IC001 16.5 16.5 XQ01 73.5 108.75 IC02 55.25 55.25 99.75 ZQ01 IC03 88.75 88.75 ZX01 77.75 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 54 EL07 36.75 46.75 TR13 EQ01 TR14 21.25 EQ02 25.75 31.25 TR15 23.5 EQ03 30.5 31.25 TR16 25.75 EQ04 55.25 46.25 XF03 90.5 EQ05 48.75 46.25 XL02 84.5 SQ01 57.75 26.25 XQ01 73.5 108.75 TC01 14.25 16.75 99.75 ZQ01 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 55 Schematic Diagrams 5. Schematic Diagrams 5-1 MAIN 1 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. TP11 TP09 TP01 TP10 TP02 TP04 TP05 TP03 TP07 TP08 TP06 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 56 Schematic Diagrams 5-2 MAIN 2 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 57 Schematic Diagrams 5-3 MAIN 3 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 58 Schematic Diagrams 5-4 MAIN 4 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 59 Schematic Diagrams MAIN Waverforms This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. TP01 TP07 TP13 TP19 TP25 TP02 TP08 TP14 TP20 TP03 TP09 TP15 TP21 TP04 TP10 TP16 TP22 TP05 TP11 TP17 TP23 TP06 TP12 TP18 TP24 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 60 Schematic Diagrams 5-5 MICOM This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 61 Schematic Diagrams 5-6 CRT This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 62 Schematic Diagrams 5-7 F-BOX 1 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 63 Schematic Diagrams 5-8 F-BOX 2 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 64 Schematic Diagrams 5-9 F-BOX 3 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5-10 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 65 Schematic Diagrams 5-10 F-BOX 4 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics 5-11...
  • Page 66 Schematic Diagrams 5-11 F-BOX 5 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5-12 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 67 Schematic Diagrams 5-12 F-BOX 6 This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics 5-13...
  • Page 68 Schematic Diagrams 5-13 Touch pad This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5-14 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 69 Schematic Diagrams 5-14 WOOFER This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics 5-15...
  • Page 70 Schematic Diagrams 5-15 Double focus This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5-16 Samsung Electronics...
  • Page 71 Schematic Diagrams 5-16 A/V SIDE This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. Samsung Electronics 5-17...
  • Page 72 Schematic Diagrams 5-17 LED 5-18 CONTROL This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. This Document can not be used without Samsung’s authorization. 5-18 Samsung Electronics...

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