Click the [OK] button.
An Intelligent Playlist is created below [Playlists] in Tree View folder.
Right-click the Intelligent Playlist in Tree View and select [Edit the Intelligent Playlist] to
show and edit the filters to narrow down the search.
Right-click an Intelligent Playlist Tree View and select [Delete Playlist] to delete it. You can
also delete an Intelligent Playlist by pressing the [Delete] key on your computer after
selecting the Intelligent Playlist.
Customized browsing using My Tag
You can refine your search by creating tags for music files.
Browsing can be customized by creating tags as you wish defining the tracks' features for better
use for DJ occasions.
User-defined My Tag can be attached to a music file selected in the track list.
My Tag attached to music files are shown in the My Tag column.
You can narrow down your search using My Tag filter by setting My Tag as search criteria.
Editing My Tag
on the right edge of the screen.
My Tag drop-down menu is shown on the right side of the track list.