an Instrument
Note d
HP 1650B/HP 16518
Programming Reference
To make sure the bus and all appropriate interfaces are in a known state,
begin every program with an initialization statement. BASIC provides a
CLEAR command which clears the interface buffer. If you're using
HP-IB, CLEAR will also reset the HP 1650B/XB's parser. The parser is
the program which reads in the instructions which you send it.
After clearing the interface, load a predefmed configuration file from the
disk to preset the instrument to a known state. For example:
This BASIC statement would load the configuration file "DEFAULT
(if it exists) into the HP 1650B/51B. Refer to the chapter "MMEMoG
Subsystem" for more information on the LOAD command.
Refer to your controller manual and programming language reference
manual for information on initializing the interface.
Introduction to Programming an Instrument