Configuring the Fabric Extender
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
This example shows how to configure the uplink distance.
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# fex 100
switch(config-fex)# hardware N2248TP-E uplink-pause-no-drop distance 3000
Configuring the Cisco Nexus N2248PQ Fabric Extender
The Cisco Nexus 2248PQ Fabric Extender supports all of the CLI commands of the Cisco Nexus 2248TP
Fabric Extender with additional commands to configure the following:
• Shared buffer (FEX global level)
• Load-balancing queues (FEX global level)
• No drop class over a distance of 3000 meters between the FEX and switch (FEX global level)
Configuring the Shared Buffer
The following are guidelines for the configuration of the shared buffer:
• Configuring the shared buffer is done at the FEX global level.
• The total available buffer is 16 MB which is shared in both the ingress and egress directions.
• The default size of the shared buffer is 10240KB.
Command or Action
configure terminal
switch# configure terminal
fex chassis_id
switch(config)# fex 100
hardware N2248TP-E
uplink-pause-no-drop distance
switch(config-fex)# hardware N2248TP-E
uplink-pause-no-drop distance 3000
Cisco Nexus 6000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
Configuring the Cisco Nexus N2248PQ Fabric Extender
Enters global configuration mode.
Enters configuration mode for the specified FEX.
The range of the chassis_id value is 100 to 199.
Specifies the no-drop distance between the FEX
and the switch.
The maximum distance is 3000 meters.
The hardware N2248TP-E
uplink-pause-no-drop distance command
specifies the default 300 meter cable