First things first We would like to tha nk you for ma king the Tra velMa te series of notebook c omputers your c hoic e for your mobile c omputing needs. We hope you will be ha ppy with your Tra velMa te a s muc h a s we enjoyed ma king it for you.
An Online guide is your helping ha nd on-the-go, with ea sy to a c c ess, deta iled a nd linked informa tion a bout your c omputer. To a c c ess the online guide: C lic k on Start, Programs, TravelMate. C lic k on TravelMate Online guide.
Note: If you c a nnot power off the c omputer norma lly, press a nd hold the power switc h for more tha n four sec onds to shut down the c omputer. If you turn off the c omputer a nd wa nt to turn it on a ga in, wa it a t lea st two sec onds before powering up.
Taking care of your battery pack Here a re some wa ys to ta ke c a re of your ba ttery pa c k: • Use only ba tteries of the sa me kind a s repla c ements. Turn the power off before removing or repla c ing ba tteries.
First things first Your guides Ba sic c a re a nd tips for using your c omputer 1 Getting to know your TravelMate A Tra velMa te tour Front view Left view Right view Rea r view Bottom view Fea tures Indic a tors Using the keyboa rd...
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viii 3 Troubleshooting your computer Frequently-a sked questions Troubleshooting tips Error messa ges Requesting servic e Interna tiona l Tra veler’s Wa rra nty (ITW) Before you c a ll Appendix A Specifications Appendix B Notices Index...
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Your Tra velMa te c omputer c ombines high- performa nc e, versa tility, power ma na gement fea tures a nd multimedia c a pa bilities with a unique style a nd ergonomic design. Work with unma tc hed produc tivity a nd relia bility with your new power c omputing pa rtner.
A TravelMate tour After setting up your c omputer a s illustra ted in the Just for Starters... poster , let us show you a round your new Tra velMa te c omputer. Front view Item Displa y sc reen Sta tus indic a tors La unc h keys Touc hpa d...
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Item C lic k buttons (left, c enter a nd right) Spea ker/ Hea dphone-out ja c k Line-in ja c k Infra red port Mic rophone Pa lmrest Keyboa rd Spea ker 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Description The left a nd right buttons func tion like the left a nd right mouse buttons;...
Left view Item Ea syLink c ombo drive c onnec tor IEEE 1394 port Power switc h PC C a rd ejec t button PC C a rd slot Sma rtC a rd ejec t button Sma rtC a rd slot Video c a pture kit slot Description...
Right view Item Video c a pture kit slot Ba ttery ba y Sec urity keyloc k Rear view Item PS/ 2 port USB ports (two) 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Description Ac c epts the video c a pture kit option on the right side of the c omputer.
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Item Expa nsion port Modem ja c k Network ja c k Externa l displa y port Power ja c k Description C onnec ts to I/ O replic a tor or Ea syPort expa nsion devic es. C onnec ts to a phone line. C onnec ts to a n Ethernet 10/ 100-ba sed network.
Bottom view Item Ba ttery ba y Ha rd disk ba y Ha rd disk a nti-shoc k protec tion Ba ttery relea se la tc h Persona l identific a tion slot Memory c ompa rtment 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Description Houses the c omputer's ba ttery pa c k.
Features Below is a brief summa ry of the c omputer’s ma ny fea tures: Performance • Mobile Intel® Pentium® III Proc essor-M with 512 KB level 2 c a c he fea turing the new Enha nc ed Intel® SpeedStep™ tec hnology •...
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• High-speed optic a l (C D-ROM, DVD-ROM or DVD-RW) drive • USB video c a pture kit option Connectivity • High-speed fa x/ da ta modem port • Fa st infra red wireless c ommunic a tion • USB (Universa l Seria l Bus) ports •...
Indicators The c omputer ha s seven ea sy-to-rea d sta tus ic ons below the displa y sc reen. The Power a nd Sleep sta tus ic ons a re visible even when you c lose the displa y c over so you c a n see the sta tus of the c omputer while the c over is c losed.
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Icon Function Num Loc k 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Description Lights when Num Loc k is a c tiva ted.
Using the keyboard The keyboa rd ha s full-sized keys a nd a n embedded keypa d, sepa ra te c ursor keys, two Windows keys a nd twelve func tion keys. Special keys Lock keys The keyboa rd ha s three loc k keys whic h you c a n toggle on a nd off. Lock key Description C a ps Loc k...
Embedded numeric keypad The embedded numeric keypa d func tions like a desktop numeric keypa d. It is indic a ted by sma ll c ha ra c ters loc a ted on the upper right c orner of the keyc a ps. To simplify the keyboa rd legend, c ursor-c ontrol key symbols a re not printed on the keys.
Windows keys The keyboa rd ha s two keys tha t perform Windows-spec ific func tions. Description Windows logo Sta rt button. C ombina tions with this key perform shortc ut func tions. Below a re a few exa mples: á...
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Hot key Icon Function Fn-F1 Hot Key Help Fn-F2 Setup Fn-F3 Power Ma na gement Sc heme Toggle Fn-F4 Sleep Fn-F5 Displa y Toggle Fn-F6 Sc reen Bla nk 1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Description Displa ys help on hot keys. Ac c esses the c omputer’s c onfigura tion utility.
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Hot key Icon Function Fn-F7 Touc hpa d Toggle Fn-F8 Spea ker Toggle Fn-↑ Volume up Fn-↓ Volume down Fn-→ Brightness up Fn- ← Brightness down Alt G r- Euro Euro The Euro symbol If your keyboa rd la yout is set to United Sta tes-Interna tiona l or United Kingdom or if you ha ve a keyboa rd with a Europea n la yout, you c a n type the Euro symbol on your keyboa rd.
Verify tha t the keyboa rd la yout used for " En English (United Sta tes)" is set to United Sta tes-Interna tiona l. If not, selec t a nd c lic k on Properties; then selec t United States- International a nd c lic k on OK.
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Launch key Ma il Web browser Email checking function When you first sta rt up your system, a Ma il C hec king dia log box will be displa yed. In this dia log box, you ha ve the option to la unc h the progra m a t sta rtup or not, set the time for ma il c hec king, etc .
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1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te right below the LC D. The LED of the ma il button will fla sh when the user ha s rec eived a n inc oming ema il. You c a n a lso a c c ess the Ma il C hec king dia log box by c lic king on Start, Programs, Launch Manager, then c lic k on E-Mail checking setting.
Touchpad The built-in touc hpa d is a PS/ 2-c ompa tible pointing devic e tha t senses movement on its surfa c e. This mea ns the c ursor responds a s you move your finger on the surfa c e of the touc hpa d. The c entra l loc a tion on the pa lm rest provides optimum c omfort a nd support.
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ba r of Windows a pplic a tions. Function Left button Exec ute C lic k twic e quic kly Selec t C lic k onc e Dra g C lic k a nd hold, then use finger to dra g the c ursor on the touc hpa d Ac c ess...
Storage This c omputer supplies you the following media stora ge: • High-c a pa c ity Enha nc ed-IDE ha rd disk • Externa l Ea syLink™ c ombo drive • Sta nda rd 3.5-inc h floppy drive. • High-speed optic a l drive Hard disk The high-c a pa c ity ha rd disk is the a nswer to your stora ge needs.
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Firmly c onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive (c onnec tor to c onnec tor) (b) to the c omputer. To disc onnec t the Ea syLink c ombo drive: C lic k on the HotIDE ic on ( Selec t the stop opera tion.
Ejecting a floppy disk Press the floppy disk ejec t button to ejec t a floppy disk from the floppy drive. Ejecting the optical drive tray To ejec t the optic a l drive tra y when the c omputer is turned on, press the drive ejec t button.
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Important! When you la unc h the DVD pla yer for the first time, the progra m a sks you to input the region c ode. DVD disc s a re divided into 6 regions. Onc e your DVD drive is set to a region c ode, it will pla y DVD disc s of tha t region only.
Audio The c omputer c omes with 16-bit high-fidelity PC I stereo a udio, a nd inc ludes a built-in sensitive mic rophone a nd stereo spea ker. There a re a udio ports on the front pa nel of the c omputer. See “Front view”...
1 G etting to know your Tra velMa te Basic power management This c omputer ha s a built-in power ma na gement unit tha t monitors system a c tivity. System a c tivity refers to a ny a c tivity involving one or more of the following devic es: keyboa rd, mouse, floppy drive, ha rd disk, periphera ls c onnec ted to the seria l a nd pa ra llel ports, a nd video memory.
Moving around with your TravelMate This sec tion gives you tips a nd hints on things to c onsider when moving a round or tra veling with your c omputer. Disconnecting from the desktop Follow these steps to disc onnec t your c omputer from externa l a c c essories: Sa ve your work in progress.
Selec t Shut down a nd c lic k on OK. - or - you c a n put the c omputer in Sleep mode by pressing Fn-F4. Then c lose a nd la tc h the displa y. When you a re rea dy to use the c omputer a ga in, unla tc h a nd open the displa y, a nd press a ny key.
• Pa c k the c omputer in a protec tive c a se tha t c a n prevent the c omputer from sliding a round a nd c ushion it if it should fa ll. Caution: Avoid pa c king items next to the top c over of the c omputer.
Traveling with the computer “when you a re moving within a la rger dista nc e, for insta nc e, from your offic e building to a c lient’s offic e building or tra veling loc a lly” Preparing the computer Prepa re the c omputer a s if you were ta king it home.
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What to bring with you Bring the following items with you: • AC a da pter • Power c ords tha t a re a ppropria te to the c ountry to whic h you a re tra veling • Spa re, fully-c ha rged ba ttery pa c ks •...
Securing your computer Your c omputer is a va lua ble investment tha t you need to ta ke c a re of. Lea rn how to protec t a nd ta ke c a re of your c omputer. Sec urity fea tures inc lude ha rdwa re a nd softwa re loc ks —...
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Millenium Edition (Me) or 2000 a t the Windows opera ting system level. It provides user a uthentic a tion through its enc ryption/ dec ryption func tion using the Sma rtC a rd. If your Sma rtC a rd is una va ila ble, you c a n use the Emergenc y C a rd a s a tempora ry repla c ement c a rd.
To remove the Sma rtC a rd press the Sma rtC a rd ejec t button (a ) a nd remove the Sma rtC a rd (b) a s shown in the illustra tion below. For more deta ils c onsult your sma rt c a rd doc umenta tion. Registering your smart card Important! Your Ac er notebook is equipped with a sma rt c a rd sec urity fea ture tha t protec ts the c omputer from una uthorized...
Running PlatinumSecure Pla tinumSec ure enha nc es the sec ure logon proc edure for Windows Me or 2000 a t the opera ting system level. It provides user a uthentic a tion with a n enc ryption/ dec ryption func tion using the Sma rtC a rd. If your Sma rtC a rd is una va ila ble, the Emergenc y C a rd c a n serve a s a tempora ry repla c ement for the Sma rtC a rd.
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PlatinumSecure Options C lic k on the PlatinumSecure Options button to open the Sma rtC a rd Options window. It provides grea t flexibility to meet the va rious priva c y protec tion needs of ma ny different users. •...
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SmartCard Manager The Multiple user support is implemented a nd ma na ged in Sma rtC a rd Ma na ger. Plea se note tha t five users c a n be registered on one PC . If you registered a s the Prima ry User , ONLY you c a n a dd/ remove other users.
of files. Running PlatinumKey Pla tinumKey provides one-c lic k logon to a ll pa ssword-required websites. With its unique Sma rtC a rd c a c hing tec hnology, you c a n grea tly extend the limited c a rd memory size to unlimited use by storing your priva te da ta in a n enc rypted file either on the Sma rtC a rd, or on the 360 Degree Web sec ure website server.
a nswer is Yes, a nd it will ena ble you to store your informa tion (exc luding the C redit C a rds) on the 360 Degree Web sec ure website server for ba c kup purposes in c a se the c a rd is lost/ stolen. If you c hoose No, you will only be a ble to sa ve My Info, C redit C a rds a nd 5 Websites on your Sma rtC a rd.
Important! Do not forget your Setup a nd Ha rd Disk Pa ssword! If you forget your pa ssword, plea se get in touc h with your dea ler or a n a uthorized servic e c enter. Entering passwords When a pa ssword is set, a pa ssword prompt a ppea rs in the left-ha nd c orner of the displa y sc reen.
following messa ge or symbol a ppea rs. Slide a nd hold the power switc h for four sec onds to shut down the c omputer. Then turn on the c omputer a ga in, a nd try a ga in. If you fa il to enter the Ha rd Disk Pa ssword, plea se c onta c t your dea ler or a n a uthorized servic e c enter.
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After lea rning the ba sic s of your Tra velMa te c omputer , let’s get a c qua inted with the a dva nc ed fea tures of your c omputer. In this c ha pter , you will lea rn how to a dd options, upgra de c omponents for better performa nc e, a nd c ustomize your c omputer.
Expanding through options Your Tra velMa te offers you a c omplete mobile c omputing experienc e. Connectivity options Ports a llow you to c onnec t periphera l devic es to your c omputer a s you would with a desktop PC . For instruc tions on how to c onnec t different externa l devic es to the c omputer , see your online guide for more deta ils.
2 C ustomizing your c omputer Built-in network feature The built-in network fea ture a llows you to c onnec t your c omputer to a n Ethernet-ba sed (10/ 100 Mbps) network. To use the network fea ture, c onnec t a n Ethernet c a ble from the network ja c k on the rea r of the c omputer to a network ja c k or hub on your network.
To use FIR, position two IR-a wa re devic es suc h tha t their IR ports a re no more tha n one meter a pa rt a nd offset no more tha n 15 degrees. When the two c omputers a re in position, simply begin the da ta tra nsfer a s you norma lly would.
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Note: Refer to your c a rd’s ma nua l for deta ils on how to insta ll a nd use the c a rd a nd its func tions. Inserting a PC Card Insert the c a rd into the slot a nd ma ke the proper c onnec tions (e.g., network c a ble), if nec essa ry.
Port expansion devices Two types of expa nsion devic es a re a va ila ble for your c omputer: • I/ O replic a tor - a dds seria l port a nd pa ra llel port c onnec tions to your c omputer.
Remove the sc rew (a ) from the memory c over; then lift up a nd remove the memory c over (b). Insert the memory module dia gona lly into the slot (a ), then gently press it down (b) until it c lic ks into pla c e. Repla c e the memory c over a nd sec ure it with the sc rew.
To sta rt the Notebook Ma na ger , press Fn-F2 or follow these steps: C lic k on Start, Programs, then Notebook Manager. Selec t the Notebook Manager a pplic a tion to run the progra m. See your online guide for more informa tion. Launch Manager La unc h Ma na ger a llows you to set the five la unc h keys loc a ted a bove the keyboa rd.
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2 C ustomizing your c omputer Launch Manager and 802.11b Wireless LAN By defa ult, the 802.11b wireless LAN is set to “Alwa ys On”. You c a n ma nua lly switc h off the 802.11b wireless LAN by pressing the button.
Rea d the instruc tions on how to turn off 802.11b wireless LAN a nd c lic k on OK. BIOS Utility The BIOS Utility is a ha rdwa re c onfigura tion progra m built into your c omputer’s BIOS (ba sic input/ ouput system). Your c omputer is a lrea dy properly c onfigured a nd optimized, a nd you do not need to run this utility.
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This c ha pter instruc ts you on how to dea l with c ommon system problems. Rea d it before c a lling a tec hnic ia n if a problem oc c urs. Solutions to more serious problems require opening up the c omputer.
Frequently-asked questions The following is a list of possible situa tions tha t ma y a rise during the use of your c omputer. Ea sy a nswers a nd solutions a re provided for ea c h one. I pressed the power switch and opened the display, but the computer does not start or boot-up.
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Image is not full-screen. Ma ke sure tha t the resolution is set to 1024x768 whic h the system supports na tively. Right-c lic k on your Windows desktop a nd selec t Properties to bring up the Display Properties dia log box. Then c lic k on the Settings ta b to ma ke sure the resolution is set to the a ppropria te resolution.
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The keyboard does not respond. Try a tta c hing a n externa l keyboa rd to the PS/ 2 c onnec tor on the c omputer’s rea r. If it works, c onta c t your dea ler or a n a uthorized servic e c enter a s the interna l keyboa rd c a ble ma y be loose.
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• The size of the free disk spa c e on your ha rd disk is less tha n the required size. For exa mple, if the onboa rd memory (inc luding video memory) is 64MB, the tota l free disk spa c e required will be a round 64MB. If the tota l free disk spa c e is less tha n this, you ha ve to free up spa c e on the ha rd disk.
Troubleshooting tips This notebook c omputer inc orpora tes a n a dva nc ed design tha t delivers onsc reen error messa ge reports to help you solve problems. • If the system reports a n error messa ge or a n error symptom oc c urs, see “Error messa ges”...
Error messages If you rec eive a n error messa ge, note the messa ge a nd ta ke the c orrec tive a c tion. The following ta ble lists the error messa ges in a lpha betic a l order together with the rec ommended c ourse of a c tion. Error Messages C MOS Ba ttery Ba d C MOS C hec ksum Error...
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Error Messages Keyboa rd Error or No Keyboa rd C onnec ted Keyboa rd Interfa c e Error Memory Size Misma tc h Missing opera ting system Non-system disk or disk error. Repla c e a nd strike a ny key when rea dy.
Requesting service International Traveler’s Warranty (ITW) Your c omputer is ba c ked by a n Interna tiona l Tra veler’s Wa rra nty (ITW) tha t gives you sec urity a nd pea c e of mind when tra veling. Our worldwide network of servic e c enters a re there to give you a helping ha nd.
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If there a re error messa ges or beeps reported by your c omputer , write them down a s they a ppea r on the sc reen (or the number a nd sequenc e in the c a se of beeps). If you ha ven’t registered your notebook c omputer , you will be required to register during your first c a ll to Ac er.
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This a ppendix lists the genera l spec ific a tions of your c omputer.
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Microprocessor • Mobile Intel® Pentium® III Proc essor-M with 512 KB level 2 c a c he fea turing the new Enha nc ed Intel® SpeedStep™ tec hnology Memory • Ma in memory expa nda ble to 1024 MB or 1 G B •...
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I/O ports • Built-in: • One type II/ I C a rdBus soc ket • One Sma rt C a rd interfa c e soc ket • One PS/ 2 keyboa rd/ mouse port • One RJ-11 phone ja c k •...
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Battery pack • 34 WH Li-Ion ma in ba ttery pa c k • Sma rt ba ttery ma na gement tec hnology • 1.5-hour ra pid c ha rge/ 2.5-hour c ha rge-in-use AC adapter • 60-Wa tt • Auto sensing 100~240Va c , 50~60Hz Options •...
FCC notice This devic e ha s been tested a nd found to c omply with the limits for a C la ss B digita l devic e pursua nt to Pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules. These limits a re designed to provide rea sona ble protec tion a ga inst ha rmful interferenc e in a residentia l insta lla tion.
Appendix B Notic es Notice: Canadian users This C la ss B digita l a ppa ra tus meets a ll requirements of the C a na dia n Interferenc e-C a using Equipment Regula tions. Remarque à l’intention des utilisateurs canadiens C et a ppa reil numérique de la c la sse B respec ted toutes les exigenc es du Règlement sur le ma tériel brouilleur du C a na da .
Important safety instructions Rea d these instruc tions c a refully. Sa ve these instruc tions for future referenc e. Follow a ll wa rnings a nd instruc tions ma rked on the produc t. Unplug this produc t from the wa ll outlet before c lea ning. Do not use liquid c lea ners or a erosol c lea ners.
c ontrols ma y result in da ma ge a nd will often require extensive work by a qua lified tec hnic ia n to restore the produc t to norma l c ondition. If the produc t ha s been dropped or the c a binet ha s been da ma ged If the produc t exhibits a distinc t c ha nge in performa nc e, indic a ting a need for servic e.
Lithium battery statement '%98-32 '%98-32 '%98-32 '%98-32 (ERKIV SJ I\TPSWMSR MJ FEXXIV] MW MRGSVVIGXP] VITPEGIH 6ITPEGI SRP] [MXL XLI WEQI SV IUYMZEPIRX X]TI VIGSQQIRHIH F] XLI QERYJEGXYVIV (MWGEVH YWIH FEXXIVMIW EGGSVHMRK XS XLI QERYJEGXYVIV W MRWXVYGXMSRW ADVARSEL! Lithiumba tteri - Eksplosionsfa re ved fejla gtig hå ndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med ba tteri a f sa mme fa brika t og type.
Appendix B Notic es For more deta ils, c hec k the Ac er Yea r 2000 Resourc e C enter Web site (http:/ / globa l.a c er.c om/ servic e/ pc y2000.html) Macrovision copyright protection notice This produc t inc orpora tes c opyright protec tion tec hnology tha t is protec ted by method c la ims of c erta in U.S.
Index AC a da pter c a ring for Z a udio a djusting the volume troubleshooting ba ttery pa c k c a ring for ZM c ha rging indic a tor BIOS utility brightness hotkeys c a ps loc k on indic a tor c a re AC a da pter Z...
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troubleshooting Windows keys LEDs media a c c ess on indic a tor memory – insta lling upgra ding messa ges error modem network Notebook Ma na ger hotkey notic e DVD c opyright protec tion yea r 2000 c omplia nc e num loc k on indic a tor ...
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loc a l trips troubleshooting tips universa l seria l bus (USB) view front left rea r right volume a djusting wa rra nty Interna tiona l Tra veler’s Wa rra n- Windows keys...