hit counter script

IBM 3708 End-User Reference page 33

Network conversion unit
Hide thumbs Also See for 3708:
Table of Contents


• Reset
The Reset function is used to recover from
locked keyboard condition.
not reset a locked condition thai results from the execution of a command for
the terminal (X CLOCK on the status line).
Reset ends the IDENT operation (the original printer ID is displayed on the
status line) and terminates Insert mode .
Using the DUP function causes an asterisk
to be displayed at the current
cursor position. Also, a Tab key operation is performed causing the cursor to be
moved to the first position of the next input field. The DUP character provides
a means of informing the application program that a duplicate operation is
required for the rest of the field in which it is located.
Using this function when the cursor is located in an attribute character position
or is in a protected field locks the keyboard. The "go elsewhere" status line
(X <
X) is displayed. To unlock the keyboard, press the Reset
Key sequence defined for your terminal and reposition the cursor.
• FM (Field Mark)OP3
Using the FM function causes a semicolon (;) to be displayed at the current
cursor position. The field mark character is used to inform the application
program of the end of a field (in an unformatted screen) or a subfield (in a
formatted screen).
Using this function when the cursor is located in an attribute character position
or is in a protected field locks the keyboard. The "go elsewhere" status line
(X <
X) is displayed. To unlock the keyboard, press the Reset
Key sequence defined for your terminal and reposition the cursor.
• Program Attention Functions (Enter, Clear, PF keys, and PA keys)OP3
These functions cause the 3708 to transfer information to the host program. An
Attention IDentification character (AID) is sent to the host that identifies which
of the functions was used to cause the transfer.
The Clear function changes all positions on the screen to nulls and moves the
cursor to the upper left hand comer.
Note: Using a PF key or PA key function while SSCP is displayed on the status
line, locks the keyboard; The "function not supported" message
-F) is
displayed on the status line. To unlock the keyboard, press the'Reset Key
sequence defined for your terminal and reposition the cursor.
Operational Note: The following 3270 functions cannot be used when operating
the 3708 control terminal: Erase
EOF, Erase Input, DUP, FM, PA keys, Clear, CURSR SEL, ATTN, SYS REQ and Delete.
IBM 3708


Table of Contents

Table of Contents