Common issues leading to GoogleRequiredTests fail
HWID mismatch
Write-protect function is off
Hardware identify
A set of valid hardware identities (HWIDs) are provided by Google. Google logs the exact hardware
combination into a Chromebook and creates a HWID. The HWID is used to ensure that all parts are valid
during the repair of the Chromebook. The HWID is used for the following purposes:
• Auto-update new patches and software for the lifetime of the computer
• Recover the computer to the factory default settings
If unauthorized parts are installed, you might not get the correct auto-updates for your computer, or you
might not recover your computer successfully to the factory default settings. For example, if you install a
different model of the wireless LAN card, which is not the required configuration, the HWID will not match.
HWID is checked by using the repair shim.
Each Chromebook has a known hardware
configuration. Each configuration is assigned an
HWID. HWID mismatch can be caused by using
unauthorized parts, or missing parts.
If the write-protect function is not turned off before
recovering the computer with the repair shim, it will
also cause HWID mismatch.
System cannot be finalized until the write-protect
function is turned back on.
Chapter 3
Create and use a USB repair shim