6-1. Starting up Test Mode
With the DVP-S7700 turned off, press [TITLE], [CLEAR], and
[POWER] keys on the Remocon in this order, and the Test mode
will start up and the Test Mode Menu as shown in Figure 1 will
appear on the video display.
Test Mode Menu
0. Syscon Diagnosis
1. Drive Auto Adjustment
2. Drive Manual Operation
3. Mecha Aging
4. Emergency History
5. Other Checks
Exit: POWER key
Figure 1
In the Test mode, use all keys on the Remocon or operation panel
when performing necessary operation. In any menu except during
test with the Syscon Diagnosis menu, press the [POWER] key to
exit from the Test mode, and return to the power off status.
Pressing [0] key on the Remocon during display of this initial menu
activates the Diagnosis mode and the screen as shown in Figure 2
Syscon Diagnosis
IF con Ver.
SYScon Ver.
Model No.
** Press Remocon Key **
Figure 2
6-2. Selection of Check Item
A check item can be selected when Model No. is displayed. Press
numeric keys to check the selected item, or any key other than
numeric keys to check all items.
6-2-1. Selected Item Check
As the menu is not displayed, select the number from the list, and
enter 2-digit main item No. and 2-digit sub item No. using nu-
meric keys on the Remocon. When the first one digit is entered,
the item selection screen is displayed. Then, enter remaining three
digits and press [ENTER] key.
When an item is selected, the detail check is executed where in
the case of RAM check, all addresses are checked twice by chang-
ing the data.
<Example> Select 2-2 ROM Check.
As item No. is <2-2>, enter "0202".
Syscon Diagnosis
IF con Ver. 0.620 (9315)
SYScon Ver. 0.400 (0000)
; 0 -
Select Diag No.
** Press Remocon Key **
Figure 3
→IFcon version (checksum)
→Syscon version (checksum)
(checksum of Syscon is
initially 0000)
→Model code
→Enter item No.[0]
Syscon Diagnosis
IF con Ver. 0.620 (9315)
SYScon Ver. 0.400 (0000)
; 02 -
Select Sub No.
** Press Remocon Key **
Figure 4
Syscon Diagnosis
IF con Ver. 0.620 (9315)
SYScon Ver. 0.400 (0000)
Select Sub No.
; 02 - 0
** Press Remocon Key **
Figure 5
Syscon Diagnosis
IF con Ver. 0.620 (9315)
SYScon Ver. 0.400 (0000)
; 02 - 02
Press Enter
** Press Remocon Key **
Figure 6
Up to here, the [CLEAR] key can be used. Pressing [CLEAR] key
clears the selected number, and selection can be retried from the
beginning. If [ENTER] key is pressed, the diagnosis of only the
selected number is executed, and the result is displayed.
If any key is pressed while the result display is blinking, the screen
returns to the initial Test Mode Menu screen. Where visual check
is necessary such as a still picture check, or when an error oc-
curred, use [PREV] key for repeated checking. To go to the next
step, press [NEXT] key.
If the diagnosis of selected number does not exist, the initial screen
is restored when [ENTER] key is pressed.
6-2-2. All Items Check
Press any key other than numeric keys when Model No. is dis-
played to activate the all items check mode. In the all items check
mode, RAM check is simplified. In concrete, only the skipped
blocks such as 0-ff, 500-5ff, a00-aff, f00-fff, 1400-14ff, ... (ad-
dresses) are checked. Check is executed from the top item of the
diagnosis check items list sequentially. In a checking where visual
check is not necessary, check progresses to the next item auto-
matically unless an error occurs.
In case of an error or visual check is necessary, press [PREV] key,
and the item concerned is repeatedly checked. To go to the next
item, press [NEXT] key.
→Enter item No.[02]
→Enter item No.[02-0]
→Enter item No.[02-02]