Getting 2 Xservers Started
Now that you have an xorg.conf file that contains all the components, it's just a matter of getting 2
Xservers started at the same time using that config file. To initially try things out, just start a single
Xserver on the first layout, just
default and so is :0)
Check to see if everything is working OK with that Xserver, and then start up the second Xserver with
Now, 2 Xservers should be running without colliding with each other. The options passed into the
Xserver and the IsolatedDevice option in the config file should prevent the Xservers from messing up
each other's screens. The work we did early on to discover the input devices and using the evdev
driver should keep the input from interfering with the other seat.
NOTE: All startx parameters after the double-dash (--) go directly to the Xserver.
You probably will not be able to zap (CTR-ALT-Backspace) the Xservers, not will you be able to use
VTS (virtual terminals). So, you will need to be able to access this system remotely via ssh and do
"killall X" to kill an Xserver. Work through any issues you might have (probably in your xorg.conf file).
Now you are ready to have a separate login screen on each Xserver/seat. This is done via the
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf file. Simply add the following lines to the Xserver part of the gdm.conf file,
one for each seat:
Then add these sections below in the gdm.conf file:
# Definition of the standard X server.
name=Standard server
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -novtswitch
name=Standard server
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X1 -novtswitch -sharevts -layout Layout1
Now you should be ready to restart the gdm and have login screens at each seat.
Additional Information
See the documentation files in /opt/hp/graphics/nvidia for more details. Also look at the example
config files in /opt/hp/viztools/configfiles for more concrete details. If setting up a config that is
different than the example config files demonstrate, use vizconfig to create a config file to start with
and modify it to get the additional features that you need. More information can also be found by
searching the internet for "X multiseat".
-novtswitch ñlayout Seat0
-novtswitch ñsharevts
(first layout is the
-layout Seat1