You need to confirm that you have the latest firmware for your storage
system, disks, and storage expansion units.
The following storage system components have firmware that sometimes
requires upgrading:
v Motherboard (also known as system or storage system firmware)
v Disk drives
v Disk storage expansion unit
Storage system firmware
It is best to upgrade to the latest version of system firmware for your storage
system. For the latest firmware, you can go to the IBM N series support
website, which is accessed and navigated as described in "Websites" on page
Note: The latest system firmware is included with Data ONTAP upgrade
packages. For more information, see the Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode Upgrade and
Revert/Downgrade Guide.
Disk firmware
For information about the latest disk firmware, see the IBM N series support
website, which is accessed and navigated as described in "Websites" on page
Note: New disk firmware is sometimes included with Data ONTAP upgrade
packages. For more information, see the Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode Upgrade and
Revert/Downgrade Guide.
Disk storage expansion unit
For information about the latest disk storage expansion unit and ESH
(Embedded Switched Hub) firmware, see the IBM N series support website,
which is accessed and navigated as described in "Websites" on page 149.
IBM System Storage N series: Data ONTAP 8.0.4 7-Mode Release Notes