If the instrument is to eters, one for pH and one for ORP , thus no loss of setting occurs be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned when changing from pH to ORP and vice versa.
Keyboard and LCD for HI 504910 are normally provided FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION by HI 504920. To do this, HI 504920 has to be put into terminal mode, by selecting code 90 in Setup mode. If the HI 504920 meter is not handy, the keyboard and LCD inside the transmitter case can be used for configur- ing, calibrating and monitoring HI 504910.
Note Throughout this manual every reference to keyboard or LCD SPECIFICATIONS refers to HI 504920 keyboard and LCD. Range -2.00 to 16.00 pH When using the HI 504910 internal keyboard and LCD, -2000 to 2000 mV refer to the below table to match keys. -30 to 130.0 ºC Resolution 0.01 pH...
• pH or ORP electrode: connect the INSTALLATION shield of the electrode coaxial cable (electrode reference) to the terminal • Remove the connectors protecting shield and wire the meter #10, and the electrode coaxial as explained below. cable core to terminal #11. To benefit from the differential (symmetrical) input, connect the proper electrode wire or a cable with a potential match- ing pin (grounding bar) to the relevant terminal (#9).
Note If the probe offset is outside the allowed limits, if the HI 504910 CALIBRATION MODE transmitter is configured for ORP measurement, or if some other error occurs during calibration, the display will flash a “bAd” The calibration mode allows to calibrate the pH/ORP and message.
HI 504920 pH reading. Both pH tags blink alternatively. The pH calibration can not be performed if the pH electrode is broken or leaking or the reference electrode is broken or • To return to normal mode, press ALT and TXCAL. dirty and an error is active.
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Note The electrode should be submerged ap- ing message “time-out”, then shows “WRONG” and it is not proximately 4 cm (1 ’’) in the solu- possible to complete calibration. tion. The temperature probe has to be • At the end of calibration, with the meter set as pH control- located as close as possible to the pH ler, the instrument checks if the offset is between -30 and electrode.
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Note If (ALT+) SETUP are pressed instead of CFM, the calibration • Once selected the second calibration point, set the HI value selection is aborted and the meter reverts back to a 931001 (350 mV) or HI 8427 (350 or 1900 mV) simula- two-point calibration.
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• When the reading becomes stable, if the temperature value • Connect a HI 931001 or HI 8427 simulator to the BNC is close to the calibration point the CFM tag starts blink- socket. ing, otherwise the WRONG indicator will flash. •...
Note SETUP MODE The default password is set at “0000”. ENTERING SETUP ITEMS The Setup Mode allows the user to set all needed character- After confirmation of the password the istics of the meter. primary LCD will show the name of the Press (ALT+) SETUP and enter the password when first setup group (see table) while the the device is in idle or control mode.
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Code Valid Values Default Present for ORP GENERAL (“GEnE”) G.00 pH/ORP input “PH”, “OrP” (see note 4) “PH” G.01 Temperature compensation “AtC”: Automatic “AtC” “USEr”: Manual (see note 3) G.02 Manual or probe error -30 to 130.0 ºC 25.0 temperature (see note 3) G.10 Factory ID 0000 to 9999 (see note 9)
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sured magnitude is changed back later. The following setup Code Valid Values Default Present items cannot vary when changing from pH to ORP or vice for ORP versa (because they are items strictly related to the instrument and not to the measured magnitude): Factory ID, Instrument ID CELLULAR/MODEM/PC CONNECTION (“PHOn”) alias RS485 address, Calibration password, General password, P.00 RS485 connection type...
Clean and check the electrode. MEASURE MODE • pH electrode broken or leakage (10) : The electrode The measure mode is the normal mode for the instrument. glass is broken or short circuits have been caused by moisture During measure mode, pH and temperature or ORP mea- or dirt.
pH/ORP PROBE CHECK TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION The pH electrode and the reference electrode for both pH If the setup item G.01 is set to “AtC” an automatic tempera- and ORP can be automatically monitored through HI ture compensation will be performed using the temperature 504910.
Note LAST CALIBRATION DATA At any time pressing the DISPLAY key or (ALT+) SETUP keys the meter will return to the regular operating display. If the instrument is set as pH meter, the following data about • Press the æ key to view the the last calibration are stored in the EEPROM: time of last calibration.
• If an offset calibration has been OFFSET AND SLOPE DIRECT SELECTION made, the instrument will turn to “slope” calibration (as indicated by It is possible to edit directly the values of the offset and the the “SLO” message on the second- slope to calibrate the instrument (for pH).
If the event is an error still active, the error code on the pri- EVENT LOG FILE SCROLLING mary LCD will blink, otherwise it will be fixed. The event log file is composed of maximum 100 recorded To have a look at the additional information of a selected events, which include errors, calibration events (type of cali- event press the key (it will cycle through the additional...
To close an error an EEPROM test (see “Selftest procedures” fered by Hanna Instruments and an RS232 to RS485 adapter section) or reset is required. with Send Data Control connected to the serial port of your PC.
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CONNECTIONS If using HI 504 the fail safe resistors are already connected on it, so they are necessary only if the HI 504910 transmitter The connections for the 2-pin RS485 terminal provided are is connected to a PC. as follows: The interface signals are optoisolated from the ground of the instrument, the electrode and the temperature sensor.
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Following is the complete list of commands available: are ASCII chars corresponding to the setup item content; P are two additional bytes used for sign and half Command Parameter Remarks digit as follows: NNMDR not available Requests firmware code if>0 (always available) if<0 NN STS...
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The “NNSET...” and “NNGET...” commands when used for The meaning of B and B password items, baud rate, F .00 and F .10 items, are answered bit 0 green LED (1: ON; 0: OFF) with “NN<CAN>”. bit 1,2 red LED (bit 2 = 0 and bit 1 = 0: LED is OFF; As soon as the instrument realizes that a command has been bit 2 = 1 and bit 1 = 0: LED is fixed received, it sends one of the following answers:...
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buf1 ASCII string for a float (example: “7.01”) • for calibration events: date and time of a calibration. buf2 ASCII string for a float (example: “4.01”) The meaning of “end_date ” and “end_time ” is: • for errors: end date and time if the error is not active anymore; When some of the above items is missing (for example buf3 when a 2-point calibration is performed) it is indicated with a “N”...
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desA desB <ETX>” bit 0 No calibration bit 1 Temperature probe broken where m is the number of events. Each token is followed by a blank space, except the last one (“desB ”), directly bit 2 free for future use (and set to 0) followed by the <ETX>...
The modem connection (both with HI504900 and MODEM CONNECTION HI504902) allows the user to ask the controller from a re- mote position about its status, measurements and to change A momodem connection can be established between HI504910 and a remote computer over a telephone line. It some parameters.
When making a call, after the data connection is established, SELFTEST PROCEDURES the “NNPWD...” command (where “NN” is the address of the device controlling the modem, i.e. the one with O.31 set The selftest procedure can be made only entering the setup to “On”) must be issued by the remote computer within 15 menu and selecting one of the items of the “tESt”...
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EEPROM SELFTEST LEDs TEST The EEPROM selftest procedure involves verifying the stored • To enter the LEDs test procedure select the setup item t.03 EEPROM checksum. and an “OFF” blinking message will appear on the LCD. • Press the æ (or ) key once and the message will switch to •...
pH VALUES AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES ELECTRODE CONDITIONING AND MAINTENANCE Temperature has a significant effect on pH. The calibration PREPARATION buffer solutions are effected by temperature changes to a lesser Remove the electrode protective cap. degree than normal solutions. DO NOT BE ALARMED IF ANY SALT DEPOSITS ARE For manual temperature calibration please refer to the fol- PRESENT.
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PERIODIC MAINTENANCE - Make sure cable and connections are not damaged nor lying in a pool of water or solution. Inspect the electrode and the cable. The cable used for the connection to the controller must be intact and there must be •...
ACCESSORIES pH CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS HI 7611 Stainless steel Pt1000 probe with standard 1/2’’ external threads on both ends for in-line and immersion installation; HI 7004M or HI 7004L pH 4.01 Buffer Solution, 230 or 500 ml bottle 5 m (16.5’) cable HI 7006M or HI 7006L pH 6.86 Buffer Solution, 230 or 500 ml bottle HI 7621...
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pH AND ORP ELECTRODE HOLDERS HI 60501 Immersion electrode holder for tanks, vessels, baths and open channels HI 60542 In-line electrode holder for direct pipe installation HI 60545 Bypass loop electrode holder Specifications HI 60542 HI 60545 HI 60501 Electrode Holder Material O-Ring Material Min.
AND ORP ELECTRODES CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hanna Instruments produces a wide range of pH and ORP electrodes specifically de- signed for needs of industrial uses. For a complete list of available electrodes visit our web site at www.hannainst.com or contact your dealer.