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Model 12.5/20/25/30 kHz Channel Spacing RSS Programmable Per Mode UHF/VHF The MT 2000 series offers you small, rugged, economically pack- aged radios loaded with features and full alphanumeric displays never before offered in a Motorola MT portable product. In addition,...
The A4 model has a top mounted six character Programmable star-burst display, and the A7 model has a front The MT 2000 radio is one of the loudest portables ever Toggle Switch mounted 14 character dot matrix display. The A4 top developed by Motorola.
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MDC-1200 STAT-ALERT Signalling Unit ID and Emergency—Each MT 2000 radio can be programmed to send a unique digital identification code at the beginning of each transmission, at the end, or both. This ID may be combined with an emergency alarm that is activated by an emer- gency button on that top of the radio.