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Model No. TH-42LF6W TH-42LF60W TH-47LF6W TH-47LF60W TH-55LF6W TH-55LF60W Operating Instructions FULL HD LCD Display Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, English please read these instructions completely. Please keep this manual for future reference.
Dear Panasonic Customer Welcome to the Panasonic family of customers. We hope that you will have many years of enjoyment from your new LCD Display. 7R REWDLQ PD[LPXP EHQH¿W IURP \RXU VHW SOHDVH UHDG WKHVH ,QVWUXFWLRQV EHIRUH PDNLQJ DQ\ DGMXVWPHQWV DQG UHWDLQ WKHP IRU IXWXUH UHIHUHQFH...
,I WKH SOXJ FRQWDLQV D UHPRYDEOH IXVH FRYHU \RX PXVW HQVXUH WKDW LW LV UH¿WWHG ZKHQ WKH IXVH LV UHSODFHG ,I \RX ORVH the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local Panasonic dealer. Do not cut off the mains plug.
,I ZDWHU LV VSLOOV RQWR WKH 'LVSOD\ RU IRUHLJQ REMHFWV JHW LQVLGH LW D VKRUWFLUFXLW PD\ RFFXU ZKLFK FRXOG UHVXOW LQ ¿UH RU electric shock. If any foreign objects get inside the Display, please consult your local Panasonic dealer.
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,I \RX FRQWLQXH WR XVH WKH 'LVSOD\ LQ WKLV FRQGLWLRQ ¿UH RU HOHFWULF VKRFN FRXOG UHVXOW $IWHU FKHFNLQJ WKDW WKH VPRNH has stopped, contact your local Panasonic dealer so that the necessary repairs can be made. Repairing the Display...
Safety Precautions CAUTION When using the LCD Display 'R QRW EULQJ \RXU KDQGV IDFH RU REMHFWV FORVH WR WKH YHQWLODWLRQ KROHV RI WKH 'LVSOD\ Heated air comes out from the ventilation holes at the top of Display will be hot. Do not bring your hands or face, or objects which cannot withstand heat, close to this port, otherwise burns or deformation could result.
Accessories Accessories Supplied Check that you have the Accessories and items shown Operating instruction CD-ROM Remote control Batteries for the remote book (Operating transmitter control transmitter instruction) N2QAYB000691 (R6 (UM3) Size × 2) AC cord Clamper × 3 Remote Control Batteries Requires two R6 batteries.
Ceiling Suspension You can install the Display by attaching commercially available eyebolts (M10) to it and suspending it from the ceiling, etc. (TH-55LF6W, TH-55LF60W) Eyebolt mounting positions Note: (for horizontal installation) Suspension and installation should be performed by an installation professional.
Connections $& FRUG FRQQHFWLRQ DQG FDEOH IL[LQJ AC cord (accessory) Using the clamper 6HFXUH DQ\ H[FHVV FDEOHV ZLWK FODPSHU DV UHTXLUHG To remove from the unit: Bundle the cables To loosen: Attach the clamper hole snaps .HHS .HHS Insert the clamper Set the pushing pushing both...
Connections Video equipment connection ,5 ,1 ,5 287 To control multiple display with one remote control, connects other display from this IN/OUT port. 7KH LQIUDUHG VLJQDO UHFHLYHG IURP WKH ¿UVW unit will send to the second unit. (see page 17) 6(5,$/ ,1 6(5,$/ 287 SERIAL Input/Output Terminal Control the Display by connecting to PC.
Connections HDMI connection HDMI cable HDMI HDMI AV OUT AV OUT DVD player DVD player [Pin assignments and signal names] Pin No. Signal Name Pin No. Signal Name T.M.D.S. Data2 + T.M.D.S. Clock Shield T.M.D.S. Data2 Shield T.M.D.S. Clock – T.M.D.S.
Connections 9,'(2 &20321(17 DQG 5*% ,1 FRQQHFWLRQ Note: Additional equipment, cables and adapter plugs shown are not supplied with this set. DVD Player VIDEO OUT AUDIO OUT RCA-BNC Adapter plug RCA-BNC Adapter plug RGB OUT AUDIO OUT Computer RGB Camcorder DVD Player Notes: ...
Connections '9,' ,1 '9,' 287 FRQQHFWLRQ PC with DVI-D video out Shared with PC IN. DVI-video cable (Within 5 m) Stereo mini plug (M3) Daisy chain connection When using the multi display, multiple LCD Displays can be daisy chained. First LCD Display Second LCD Display PC with DVI-D video out...
Connections PC Input Terminals connection (Female) COMPUTER Conversion adapter (if necessary) (Male) Shared with DVI-D IN. Mini D-sub 15p Audio Stereo mini plug (M3) Connect a cable which matches the audio output terminal on the computer. Notes: Computer signals which can be input are those with a horizontal scanning frequency of 30 to 110 kHz and vertical VFDQQLQJ IUHTXHQF\ RI WR +] +RZHYHU WKH LPDJH ZLOO QRW EH GLVSOD\HG SURSHUO\ LI WKH VLJQDOV H[FHHG lines.) ...
Connections SERIAL Terminals connection The SERIAL terminal is used when the Display is controlled by a computer. Note: To use serial control for this unit, make sure to set the “Control I/F Select” in the “Network Setup” menu to “RS-232C (Serial)”.
Connections Basic format for control data Command The transmission of control data from the computer Command Parameter Control details starts with a STX signal, followed by the command, the None Power ON parameters, and lastly an ETX signal in that order. If there None Power OFF are no parameters, then the parameter signal does not...
WUDQVPLW LQSXWWHG YLGHR DQG DXGLR VLJQDOV DQG WKHVH GLJLWDO VLJQDOV FDQ EH LQSXW WR WKH 'LVSOD\ YLD WKH ',*,7$/ /,1. terminal. Display Connection Terminals Control Computer When a Panasonic ET-YFB100 is used Video Cassette Recorder DVD Player Computer Notes: ...
Power On / Off Connecting the AC cord plug to the Display. Connecting the plug to the Wall Outlet. Notes: When disconnecting the AC cord, be absolutely sure to disconnect the AC cord plug at the socket RXWOHW ¿UVW ...
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Power On / Off :KHQ ¿UVW VZLWFKLQJ RQ WKH XQLW )ROORZLQJ VFUHHQ ZLOO EH GLVSOD\HG ZKHQ WKH XQLW LV WXUQHG RQ IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH Select the items with the remote control. Unit buttons are invalid. OSD Language 1. Select the language. OSD Language English (UK) 2.
Selecting the input signal Press to select the input signal to be played back from the equipment which has been connected to the Display. Input signals will change as follows: HDMI1 HDMI2 VIDEO Component* DIGITAL LINK HDMI1, HDMI2: HDMI1 or HDMI2 input terminal in AV IN (HDMI). VIDEO: Video input terminal in VIDEO IN.
Basic Controls Main Unit Power Indicator The Power Indicator will light. 3RZHU2)) ..Indicator not illuminated (The unit will still consume some power as long as the power cord is still inserted into the wall outlet.) 6WDQGE\ ..Red ...
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Basic Controls Remote Control Transmitter OFF TIMER button The Display can be preset to switch to stand-by after D ¿[HG SHULRG 7KH VHWWLQJ FKDQJHV WR PLQXWHV ACTION button 60 minutes, 90 minutes and 0 minutes (off timer Press to make selections. cancelled) each time the button is pressed.
ASPECT Controls 7KH 'LVSOD\ ZLOO DOORZ \RX WR HQMR\ YLHZLQJ WKH SLFWXUH DW LWV PD[LPXP VL]H LQFOXGLQJ ZLGH VFUHHQ FLQHPD IRUPDW SLFWXUH Note: Be aware that if you put the display in a public place for commercial purposes or a public VKRZLQJ DQG WKHQ XVH WKH DVSHFW PRGH VHOHFW IXQFWLRQ WR VKULQN RU H[SDQG WKH SLFWXUH \RX PD\ be violating the copyright under copyright law.
Digital Zoom This displays an enlargement of the designated part of the displayed image. Display the operation guide. 3UHVV WR DFFHVV 'LJLWDO =RRP Exit The operation guide will be displayed. 'XULQJ 'LJLWDO =RRP RQO\ WKH IROORZLQJ EXWWRQV FDQ EH RSHUDWHG [Remote control] POSITION / ACTION button...
On-Screen Menu Displays Remote Control Unit Display the menu screen. Press several times. Press to select. ([DPSOH 3LFWXUH PHQX Each time the MENU button is pressed, the menu screen will switch. Normal Viewing Picture Setup Sound Pos. /Size Select. Select the item. 2.
Adjusting Pos. /Size Press to display the Pos. /Size menu. Pos. /Size Press to select the menu to adjust. Normalise Normal Auto Setup H-Pos H-Size V-Pos V-Size Press to adjust the menu. Clock Phase Dot Clock 1:1 Pixel Mode Note: Unadjustable items are grayed out.
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Adjusting Pos. /Size H-Pos Adjust the horizontal position. V-Pos Adjust the vertical position. H-Size Adjust the horizontal size. V-Size Adjust the vertical size. Clock Phase (During RGB and PC input signal) (OLPLQDWH WKH ÀLFNHULQJ DQG GLVWRUWLRQ Dot Clock (During RGB and PC input signal) Periodic striped pattern interference (noise) may occur when a striped pattern is displayed.
Picture Adjustments Press to display the Picture menu. Select to adjust each item. Press to select the menu to adjust. Select the desired level by looking at the picture behind the menu. Note: Menu that cannot be adjusted is grayout. Adjustable menu changes depending on signal, input and menu setting.
Picture Adjustments Notes: Item Effect Adjustments You can change the level of each Backlight Adjusts luminance of the back light. function (Backlight, Contrast, Darker Brighter Brightness, Colour, Tint, Sharpness) for each Picture Mode. Contrast Adjusts the proper picture contrast. Less More ...
Sound Adjustment Sound Press to display the Sound menu. Normalise Normal Select to adjust each item. SPEAKERS Output Select Normal Sound Mode Press to select the menu to adjust. Bass Treble Select the desired level by listening to the sound. Balance Surround 3UHVV WR H[LW IURP DGMXVW PRGH...
PRESENT TIME Setup / Set up TIMER The timer can switch the Display On or Off. %HIRUH DWWHPSWLQJ 7LPHU 6HW FRQ¿UP WKH 35(6(17 7,0( DQG DGMXVW LI QHFHVVDU\ 7KHQ VHW 32:(5 21 7LPH POWER OFF Time. Setup Press to display the Setup menu. MULTI DISPLAY Setup Press to select Set up TIMER or Set up TIMER...
Screensaver (For preventing image retention) Do not display a still picture, especially in 4:3 mode, for any length of time. If the display must remain on, a Screensaver should be used. When the screen saver is operating, the following 5 patterns are displayed full screen for 5 seconds each. %ODFN 'DUN *UD\ *UD\ /LJKW *UD\ :KLWH Setup Press to display the Setup menu.
Screensaver (For preventing image retention) Setup of Screensaver Time After selecting Time Designation, Interval or Standby after SCR Saver, the relevant Time Setup will become available for selection and the Operating Time may be set. (Time cannot be set when “Mode” is “On” or “Off”.) Press to select Start Time / Finish Time (When Time Designation is Screensaver selected).
No activity power off Press to select the menu to adjust. Setup Signal Screensaver Input label ECO Mode settings Wobbling Component/RGB-in select Press to select “Enable” or “Disable”. No activity power off Disable English ( UK ) OSD Language 3UHVV WR H[LW IURP 6HWXS When this function is set to “Enable”, the power is turned off (standby) automatically when there is no operation of the Display for 4 hours.
ECO Mode settings Setup Signal select Screensaver Input label ECO Mode settings adjust Wobbling Component/RGB-in select No activity power off Disable English ( UK ) OSD Language ECO Mode Custom: The menu of power consumption reduction is individually set. On: 7KH IROORZLQJ ¿[HG YDOXHV DUH VHW WR WKH PHQX RI SRZHU FRQVXPSWLRQ UHGXFWLRQ ,QGLYLGXDO VHWWLQJ LV QRW DYDLODEOH No Signal power off: Enable PC Power management: On Power save: Sensor...
Customizing the Input labels This function can change the label of the Input signal to be displayed. (see page 21) Setup Press to display the Setup menu. Signal Screensaver Input label Press to select Input label. ECO Mode settings Wobbling Component/RGB-in select Press to display the Input label screen.
Selecting the On-Screen Menu Language Press to display the Setup menu. Press to select OSD Language. Press to select your preferred language. Selectable languages (QJOLVK 8. Setup Deutsch Signal Screensaver Input label Français ECO Mode settings Wobbling Italiano Component/RGB-in select Español No activity power off Disable...
Setup for MULTI DISPLAY %\ OLQLQJ XS WKH 'LVSOD\V LQ JURXSV IRU H[DPSOH DV LOOXVWUDWHG EHORZ DQ HQODUJHG SLFWXUH PD\ EH GLVSOD\HG DFURVV DOO screens. For this mode of operation, each display has to be set up with a Display number to determine its location. ([DPSOHV group of 4 (2 ×...
Setup for Input Signals Component / RGB-in select Select to match the signals from the source connected to the COMPONENT/RGB IN terminal. Y, P signals “Component” RGB signals “RGB” Setup Press to display the Setup menu. Signal Screensaver Input label Press to select the “Component / RGB-in select”.
Setup for Input Signals Signal menu Note: “Signal” setup menu displays a different setting condition for each input signal. Setup Press to display the Setup menu. Signal Screensaver Input label Press to select the “Signal”. ECO Mode settings Wobbling Component/RGB-in select No activity power off Press to display the Signal menu.
Setup for Input Signals Colour system Select Signal from the “Setup” menu during Video input signal mode. (“Signal [AV]” menu is displayed.) Press to select the “Colour system” . [ AV ] Signal Press to select each function. 3D Y/C Filter Colour system Auto If the image becomes unstable:...
Setup for Input Signals Noise reduction Press to select “Noise reduction”. Noise reduction 3UHVV WR VHOHFW ³2II´ ³$XWR´ ³0LQ´ ³0LG´ ³0D[´ Auto: Noise reduction will be automatically selected from “Min”, ³0LG´ RU ³0D[´ Note: Noise reduction can be adjusted while a Video or Component signal is being applied. Sync This function operates only during input from PC IN terminal.
Setup for Input Signals Input signal display Displays the frequency and the type of the current input signal. This display is valid only for COMPONENT/RGB/PC and Digital input signal. V-Freq. 60.02 Display range (PC input signal): Signal Format 1280×1024/60 Horizontal 30 - 110 kHz Vertical 48 - 120 Hz...
Network Setup &RQ¿JXUH WKH YDULRXV VHWWLQJV UHTXLUHG WR XVH WKH QHWZRUN IXQFWLRQ Setup Network Setup Network Setup MULTI DISPLAY Setup DIGITAL LINK mode Auto AMX D.D. Set up Timer Press Crestron Connected™ Control I/F Select PRESENT TIME Setup RS-232C (Serial) Extron XTP Network Setup Display Name...
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Network Setup LAN Setup Detailed network settings for the LAN established via the LAN terminal of the Display or twisted pair cable transmitter FDQ EH FRQ¿JXUHG '+&3 ,3 DGGUHVV 6XEQHW PDVN DQG *DWHZD\ VHWWLQJV Network Setup Set DHCP. Auto DIGITAL LINK mode When “Off”...
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Network Setup ',*,7$/ /,1. VWDWXV 'LVSOD\ WKH ',*,7$/ /,1. FRQQHFWLRQ HQYLURQPHQW DIGITAL LINK status LINK status No link HDMI status No HDMI 6HOHFW ³',*,7$/ /,1. VWDWXV´ DQG SUHVV Signal quality -XX dB -YY dB /,1. VWDWXV (LWKHU ³1R OLQN´ ³',*,7$/ /,1.´ RU ³(WKHUQHW´ ZLOO EH GLVSOD\HG No link : No LAN connection, etc.
Options Adjustments Options Press to display the Setup menu. Input Search Press to select “OSD Language”. Onscreen display Initial input Initial VOL level Maximum VOL level Input lock Button lock Press for more than 3 seconds. Remocon User level Local Dimming Press to select “Options”.
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LAN Control Protocol 1: Control with the Panasonic Display sequence. Protocol Protocol 2: Control with the sequence that compatible with Panasonic Projector. RS-232C/LAN Set up the informing manner if error warning occured. (see page 53) 53) ) Information Timing 3..
Options Adjustments Item Adjustments Off: Not display the clock. Display the clock. The clock is displayed at the lower left of the screen when button is pressed. Note: When “PRESENT TIME Setup” is not set, the clock is not displayed even Clock Display if “Clock Display”...
Options Adjustments Searching... “Searching...” is displayed during the input search. 3ULPDU\ ,QSXW 6HFRQGDU\ ,QSXW Set the input to search when “Priority” is selected. (NONE) VIDEO Component/RGB ',*,7$/ /,1. HDMI1 HDMI2 Note: This menu is available only when “Input lock” is “Off”. (see page 51) RS-232C/LAN Information Timing Set up the informing manner for no signal or temperature rising.
Using Network Function Note: Network function is disable during standby. Network Connection This unit has a network function to control the network connected display with your computer. Note: To use the network function, set each “Network Setup” setting and make sure to set the “Control I/F Select” to “LAN”. (see page 47) COMPUTER 'LVSOD\ PDLQ XQLW UHDU...
Using Network Function ',*,7$/ /,1. &RQQHFWLRQV (connecting with a twisted pair cable transmitter) This device is equipped with functions that allow Ethernet signals from a twisted pair cable transmitter to be received through a LAN cable along with video/audio signals. COMPUTER 'LVSOD\ PDLQ XQLW UHDU ',*,7$/ /,1.
Commands used in the serial control are supported. (see page 17) Note: Consult your local Panasonic dealer for detail instructions on command usage. PJLink™ Protocol The network function of the unit conforms with PJLink class 1 and you can operate the following actions from your computer using PJLink protocol GXULQJ SRZHU ³2Q´.
Setup screen after logging in (see page 59). The user name cannot be changed. Under no circumstances, Panasonic Corporation or it’s associated companies will ask customers their password directly. Even if you are asked directly, please do not reveal your password.
Using Web Browser Control TOP screen structure of the Web browser control After logging in, the TOP screen of the Web browser control is displayed. Menu Menu items are displayed. When a button is clicked, setup screen of each item is displayed. Item Details BASIC...
Enter the new password. PASSWORD Notes: Enter the password entered in “NEW PASSWORD 3$66:25'´ IRU FRQ¿UPDWLRQ The default password is “panasonic”. (RETYPE) Up to 32 alphanumeric characters can be used for a Save the new password. The password. SAVE FRQ¿UPDWLRQ VFUHHQ LV GLVSOD\HG...
Using Web Browser Control Crestron Connected™ page You can monitor or control the Display using Crestron Connected™. When you click [Crestron Connected™], the Crestron Connected™ operation page is displayed. If Adobe Flash Player is not installed in your computer, or if the browser does not support Flash, this page does not appear.
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Using Web Browser Control Info page Click Info on the operation page. 1. Display name Displays the name of the Display. 2. Mac Address Displays the MAC address. 3. Resolution Displays the resolution of the Display. 4. Power Status Displays the status of the power. 5.
Troubleshooting %HIRUH \RX FDOO IRU VHUYLFH GHWHUPLQH WKH V\PSWRPV DQG PDNH D IHZ VLPSOH FKHFNV DV VKRZQ EHORZ Symptoms Checks Picture Sound Electrical Appliances Interference Noisy Sound Cars / Motorcycles Fluorescent light Volume Normal Picture No Sound (Check whether the mute function has been activated on the remote control.) Not plugged into AC outlet Not switched on No Picture...
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Troubleshooting Symptoms Check The screen darkens slightly when bright pictures with The screen will darken slightly when photos, still images of a computer or other pictures with minimal minimal movements are shown. PRYHPHQWV DUH VKRZQ IRU DQ H[WHQGHG SHULRG 7KLV LV GRQH WR UHGXFH LPDJH UHWHQWLRQ RQ WKH VFUHHQ and the shortening of the screen’s service life: It is normal and not indicative of malfunctioning.
Applicable input signals PC signals *Mark: Applicable input signal Horizontal Vertical RGB IN PC IN DVI-D IN HDMI1 Signal name frequency (kHz) frequency (Hz) (Dot clock(MHz)) (Dot clock (MHz)) (Dot clock (MHz)) HDMI2 [#+] 31.46 70.07 * (25.17) * (25.17) [#+] 31.47 59.94...
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Applicable input signals Component signals *Mark: Applicable input signal Horizontal Vertical COMPONENT IN DVI-D IN HDMI1 Signal name frequency (kHz) frequency (Hz) (Dot clock (MHz)) (Dot clock (MHz)) HDMI2 525(480)/60i 15.73 59.94 * (13.5) * (27.0) 525(480)/60p 31.47 59.94 * (27.0) * (27.0) 625(575)/50i 15.63...
Shipping condition This function allows you to reset the unit to the factory setting. Setup Press to display the Setup menu. Signal Press to select “OSD Language”. Screensaver Input label ECO Mode settings Wobbling Component/RGB-in select Press for more than 3 seconds. No activity power off Disable English ( UK )
Technical Specifications TH-42LF6W TH-47LF6W TH-55LF6W TH-42LF60W TH-47LF60W TH-55LF60W Power Source 220 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption Rated Power 125 W 140 W 150 W Consumption Stand-by condition 0.5 W 0.5 W 0.5 W Power off condition 0.3 W 0.3 W...