Before you begin
Before you begin to install options in your server, read the following information:
For a list of supported options for the xSeries 380, refer to on the World Wide Web.
System reliability considerations
Attention: The operating temperature of the server, when installed in an equipment
rack, must not go below 10° C (50° F) or rise above 35° C (95° F). Extreme
fluctuations in temperature can cause a variety of problems in your server.
The equipment rack must provide sufficient airflow to the front of the server to
maintain proper cooling. It must also include ventilation sufficient to exhaust a
maximum of 6174 Btu per hour for the server. The rack that is selected and the
ventilation that is provided must be suitable to the environment in which the server will
be used.
To help maintain proper cooling and system reliability, ensure that:
xSeries 380: User's Reference
Become familiar with the safety and handling guidelines provided in the Safety
Information book, the requirements specified in "Safety information" on page 34,
and the information in "Handling static-sensitive devices" on page 33. These
guidelines will help you work safely while working with your server or options.
Make sure that you have an adequate number of properly grounded electrical
outlets for your server, monitor, and any other options that you intend to install.
You do not need to turn off the server to install or replace hot-swap power
supplies, hot-swap drives, hot-swap fans, or hot-plug PCI adapters.
Back up all important data before you make changes to disk drives.
Each of the drive bays has a drive installed.
Each of the power supply bays has a power supply installed.
A removed hot-swap drive is replaced within 10 minutes of removal.
Cables for optional adapters are routed according to the instructions that are
provided with the adapters.
A failed fan is replaced within 48 hours.