SEM Hitachi S-4700 user manual
1. Warnings and recommendations
Be sure to read the following remarks:
1.1. This equipment belongs to VAN Partners. Let's handle it with much care,
1.2. Before exchanging the sample, always check that the stage is in its initial position:
X = Y = 12.5mm, Z = 12mm, Tilt = 0˚, θ = 0˚
1.3. This is a simplified manual. It is recommended to read and study the original manual.
2. Terms
2.1. RP = Rotary Pump,
2.2. IP = Ion Pump,
2.3. DP = oil Diffusion Pump,
2.4. S.C. = Specimen Chamber = main chamber,
2.5. S.E.C. = Specimen Exchange Chamber = Load lock chamber.
3. Regular State
Always ON. RP and DP maintain vacuum in the main chamber and IP maintain vacuum in the column.
4. Points to check before starting
If there is an abnormality, contact the person in charge.
On the front panel (below the S.C.), check from left to right:
4.1.1. Switch is ON,
4.1.2. DP/TMP, WATER and AIR PRES switched ON (green lamps ON)
4.2. OBJ. APT. → position HEAT
4.3.1. Lamps IP1, IP2, and IP3 lighted ON,
4.3.2. Check the IPs vacuum values by rotating the knob. The following should be satisfied:
IP1<2e-7Pa, IP2<2e-6Pa, IP3<7e-5Pa. Fill out the log with the values.
4.4. CHAMBER VACUUM → S.C and S.E.C vacuum are HIGH (green lamps)
4.5. VALVE → GUN switch in position CLOSE. If not, set it to CLOSE
4.6. CHAMBER → switch on S.E.C. (should be protected with a tape)
4.7. If you want to use the cold trap, check that there is more than 1.3L of liquid nitrogen in the Dewar Vessel. If
this is not the case, fetch some nitrogen in CR2.
5. Preparation
5.1. Turn PC on
5.1.1. DISPLAY switch ON (under the PC desk, behind the door),
5.1.2. Windows 95 will startup.
5.1.3. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
5.1.4. Launch PC-SEM.exe. There is no password, just click OK,
5.1.5. When the soft start, a dialog showing the X and Y values of the stage appears. Check the real values of X
and Y, enter those values in the box and then click OK,
5.2. Filling liquid nitrogen
If you want to use the cold trap, fill it with 1.3L of liquid nitrogen.
5.3. Set the sample
5.3.1. Select a suitable sample holder,
Please, leave this manual here. You can find an electronic version in the TakedaCR Wiki:
English Version by Eric, VDEC, Mita Lab, 2015/01/27
(accessible only from inside Utokyo)
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