August 15, 2017
• If the copy export operation was canceled either through a host command or through the library
manager, message CBR3863I is generated.
CBR3863I Export operation cancelled for logical list volume volser in
library library-name.
The status file created by the TS7700 subsystem on the export list file volume can be examined to
determine how far the operation progressed before it was canceled. See the section on Export Status File
• If the copy export operation was terminated because of a hardware failure in the TS7700 or Library
Manager, message CBR3856I is generated. The status file created by the TS7700 subsystem on the
export list file volume can be examined to determine how far the operation progressed before it
terminated. See the section on Export Status File Records.
• If the TS7700 subsystem was unable to process the export list file volume, message CBR3858I is
generated. The reason the list volume could not be processed is included in the completion message as a
text string. The following table defines the failure-reasons returned, the probable cause and the
recommended actions for the customer to take.
CBR3858I Error incurred with list volume volser in library library.
Library returned failure: failure-reason.
In the table below, the symbols <VOLSER>, <File>, <Record> and <Field> will be replaced in the
message text as appropriate to describe the location of the error found:
• <VOLSER>, the logical Volser which was provided in the Export or Import command.
• <File>, Export List File, Import List File, Reserved File or Status File.
• <Record>, within a <File>, HDR1, HDR2, EOF1, EOF2, Identifier or Record.
• <Field>, within a <Record>, Label Identifier, Block Count, Record Length, Block Count, Title Text,
Option or Version.
Failure-Reason Text
Probable cause.
Volume <VOLSER> has not been
The Export command specified an Export
List file logical Volume which has not
been created (written).
Volume <VOLSER> could not be opened
TS7700 failure.
Volume <VOLSER> could not be
TS7700 failure
Volume <VOLSER> could not be closed
TS7700 failure.
Volume <VOLSER> unable to locate
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2017
Recommended Action
Operator should check for the correct identity of the
Export List File Volume and, if necessary, execute the
JCL which prepares a logical volume as the Export List
File Volume.
Call your IBM Service Representative
Call your IBM Service Representative
Call your IBM Service Representative
Check source data used for preparation of the Export
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