2.3 Working with the Configuration Display (cont.)
BACKLIGHT - Turns the display backlight feature to ON, OFF, or AUTO (AUTO switches backlighting ON whenever a key is pressed or
the probe is connected).
CONTRAST - Select this control and then press
LANGUAGE - Sets the instrument display language (see Section 3.2 on page 21).
BSCAN MINIMUM - Sets the minimum value that can be drawn when BSCAN is processing (see Section 3.2.1 on page 23).
BSCAN MAXIMUM - Sets the maximum value that can be drawn when BSCAN is processing (see Section 3.2.1 on page 23).
DUAL MULTI - Used to switch between Dual Multi and IP test modes, when Dual Multi option is allowed (see Section 3.2 on page 21).
READING HOLD - Can be set to hold the last measurement value when the probe is uncoupled in measurement mode (see Section 3.2 on
page 21).
DM5E Operating Manual
Chapter 2. Understanding the Keypad, Menu System & Displays
to adjust the display contrast level.