Movement Control Commands
3.6 S, T, M, and B functions
S, T, M, and B functions
Spindle function (S function)
A spindle speed can be directly specified by entering a 5-digit number following
address S (Sjjjjj). The unit of spindle speed is "r/min". If an S command is
specified with M03 (spindle forward rotation) or M04 (spindle reverse rotation), the
program usually advances to the next block only after the spindle has reached the
speed specified by the S command. For details, refer to the instruction manuals
published by the machine tool builder.
Example of programming
S1000 M03;
Fig. 3-27
S An S command is modal and, once specified, it remains valid until another S
command is given next. If the spindle is stopped by the execution of M05, the S
command value is retained. Therefore, if M03 or M04 is specified without an S
command in the same block, the spindle can start by using the S command va-
lue specified before.
S If a spindle speed is changed while the spindle is rotating by the execution of
M03 or M04, pay attention to the selected spindle speed gear range. For de-
tails, refer to the instruction manuals published by the machine tool builder.
S The lower limit of an S command (S0 or an S command close to S0) is determi-
ned by the spindle drive motor and spindle drive system, and it varies with each
machine. Do not use a negative value for an S command. For details, refer to
the instruction manuals published by the machine tool builder.
1000 r/min
Start of the block indicated above
Spindle speed command
SINUMERIK 802D sl/840D/840D sl/840Di/840Di sl/810D ISO Milling (PGM) - - 04.07 Edition
Spindle speed agreed
Actual spindle speed
Start of spindle
Completion of M
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