Trouble Mode
SC Energy Recovery SOS
connectors SC2, and SC20
from the SC board. Plug in
the TV and turn it on.
Does the
TV power
up and
stay on?
SC Board
Note: CN = Connector
LED blinks 6 times
Defective Board (Possibility)
SC, A, P Board (SC >A> P )
Connect SC2
SC20. Plug in the TV
and turn it on.
Clean and reseat the ribbon
cables between the A and the C
boards. Also reseat the cables
between the C boards. If
problem persists, replace the A
Warning: Disconnect AC Power prior to making any
disconnection or connection
= The reference number of the sustain data
connector is different in some of the models:
TH-42PX80U = SS23
TH-50PX80U = SS23
P11/SS11, discharge is necessary to prevent
potential shock caused by VSUS.
VSUS about 180V (Accurate voltage is provided
on the Panel Label)
Place a jumper across pin 8 and 10 of connector
P12. The unit will not enter the standby mode without
the jumper.
Does the P
board output
15V at pin 1 of
P7 and Vsus at
pin 1 of CN P2
before the TV
shuts down?
Before connecting P2/SC2 or
P Board