To specify a restart term
• Create your first specification form on the command line. That will enter the
proper format in the Trace Specification Selection dialog box. Obtain the dialog
box by choosing Trace→Trace Spec... You can click on your specification in the
dialog box, edit it if desired, and click OK.
• Using the command line, restart the search for the trace sequence terms by
including the restart parameter in
trace find_sequence <bus_state> occurs <#times> [ then
<bus_state> occurs <#times> ] restart <bus_state>
trigger <bus_state>
<bus_state> represents a combination of address, data and status expressions that
must be matched to satisfy the trigger or sequence qualifier. <#times> is the
number of times the selected bus state must occur to satisfy the qualifier.
The restart qualifier allows you to restart the trace sequence whenever a certain
instruction or data access occurs. For example, you might have a complicated trace
sequence that searches for an intermittent failure condition. You could set the
restart term to restart the sequence whenever a bus cycle occurred that ensures that
the code segment would perform correctly. Thus, the trace will be satisfied only
when that restart term never occurs and the code segment fails.
Use the analyzer sequencer to trace a series of events and then restart the sequencer
if the restart term is found while searching for the events:
trace find_sequence update_sys.get_targets then
update_sys.write_hdwr restart update_sys.set_outputs
trigger after current_humid
Chapter 5: Using the Emulation-Bus Analyzer
Making Complex Trace Measurements