5.1 Point of use (Pre-cleaning):
A) Biopsy probe EUP-B715
In the operating room after use of the probe.
1) Remove the biopsy attachment from the biopsy probe.
2) Flush the probe directly after use.
3) Flush patient's blood or fluid by tap water until the surface looks
visually clean.
4) Wipe the surfaces of the probe with patient contact by gauze pad
and remove superficial visible impurities.
B) Magnetic sensor attachment and spacer for EZU-RV2S
1) Remove the Magnetic sensor attachment and the Spacer for EZU-RV2S
from the probe.
2) Immerse the Magnetic sensor attachment and the Spacer for EZU-RV2S
in sufficient amount of high quality tap water. Scrub them using
soft cloth or sponge to remove all visible soil and dried protein
from the surface of them.
C) Biopsy attachment EZU-PA7B1
After first use, do not reprocess the biopsy attachment. The biopsy
attachment is disposable. Do not reuse.
Containment and transportation:
Putting the contaminated equipment into exclusive shock and damage proof
container for transportation is recommended. It is recommended that
instruments are reprocessed as soon as possible and not later than 4
hours after usage.