Readers. This consists of a TRUST macro instruction
followed by one DEULIST macro instruction.
The transaction list tables created by the TRUST,
ASLIST, and DEULIST macro instructions are composed of:
a header, and an internal message, and/ or from one to sixteen
data entry steps. The header information is provided in the
TRUST macro instruction. The TRUST macro must follow
the last TGROUP macro.
ASL/ST. The ASLIST (Area Station list) macro instruction
is used to define one step of a transaction list for a 2791
Area Station. One to sixteen ASLIST macros may follow
a TRUST macro; the last ASLIST macro may define an
internal message.
DEULJST. The DEULIST (Data Entry Unit list) macro is
used to define one step of a transaction list for a Data
Entry Unit. For a 2796 DEU one to thirteen DEULIST
macros and for a 2795 DEU one to sixteen DEULIST mac-
ros may follow a TRUST macro; the last DEULIST macro
may define an internal message.
STEND: The STEND macro is used to indicate the end of
all user macros and must be the last card processed before
the assembler END card.
The STEND macro compares the total number of bytes
generated for the 2715 user tables with the maximum
allowable size for the user's particular 2715 configuration.
the table size exceeds the allowable maximum, MNOTE
is issued indicating that the assembly is invalid.
After the macros have been translated to object format,
the user's problem program can transmit them to the 2715
by reading the object module (without using LINK-EDIT),
formatting each card into a 2715 message, and using normal
BT AM BSC WRITE facilities.
User Table
Figure 28 shows a simplified version of a user table that
is designed to show the relationship of the various macro-
generated tables.
Area Station Data Entry. The Area Station address (AS ID)
is used to find the correct transaction group (TG) from
the Area Station table (AS table).
The transaction code (TC) is used to find the correct
transaction list from the transaction group table (TG table).
The transaction list plus the step number from the Area
Station Sequence table is used to find the correct step from
the transaction list table (TR List table). The transaction
list step contains the information necessary for the micro-
code to process the data entry.
DEU Data Entry. The area station address (AS ID) is used
to find the correct transaction group (TG) from the DEU
The transaction code (TC) is used to find the correct
transaction list from the transaction group table.
The Area Station address is used to find an address from
the DEU index table. The index table address plus the DEU
address is used to find the correct step from the DEU se-
quence table.
The transaction list plus the step number from the se-
quence table is used to find the correct step from the trans-
action list table (TR List table). The transaction list step
contains the information necessary to process the data