The Cutoff circuitry sets the point at which each
CRT starts to conduct. These are set when perform-
ing CRT Cutoff Bias adjustments. The signals are
then buffered and output from IC2V00, Red at pin
20, Green at pin 24, and Blue at pin 26.
Auto kine Bias (AKB) pulses are added to each sig-
nal in the Buffer circuits. The AKB circuitry is de-
scribed later in this section. The R, G and B Video
signal from the VCJ are directed to Gamma circuitry.
Gamma Circuitry
The Gamma circuitry is in IC2H00, refer to Figure
7-6. Basically it compensates for the difference in
the CRTs phosphor efficiency. The red and green
phosphor characteristics are relatively close. How-
ever, at high brightness levels the blue phosphor light
output is less than the red and green. This results in
yellowish cast in bright white areas of the picture.
The circuitry in IC2H00 increases the amplitude of
the blue signal at high brightness levels, so its light
output matches the red and green. The DC voltages
at pin 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 determine at what point, and
how much blue signal amplitude is increased. The
DC voltages are derived from resistive dividers and
are fixed at pins 3 (a3) and 7 (b3).
Pins 2 and 6 are controlled by the Control uPC. The
voltages at pins 1 and 4 are controlled by outputs
from IC2Y01. The outputs of IC2Y01 are in turn
controlled by the Main SDA line from the Control
The purpose of the other inputs shown in Figure 7-6
• Pins 14 and 15 -- used to clamp the RGB
input signals.
• Pin 17 -- sets the DC level of the RGB
output signals.
• Pins 8, 9 and 10 -- sets the overall gain of
each respective Voltage Controlled Amplifier
The RGB signals from IC2H00 are directed to Blank-
ing Insertion circuitry.
Page 7-8