Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Coil
The Reelmaster hydraulic system uses several hydrau-
lic solenoid valve coils for system control. The cutting
deck manifold includes two (2) solenoid valves (Fig. 52)
and the lift control manifold includes four (4) solenoid
valves (Fig. 51). When the solenoid coils are energized,
hydraulic valve shift occurs to control hydraulic flow.
Testing of the coils can be done with the coil installed on
the hydraulic valve.
1. Before disconnecting solenoid valve coils, test the
solenoids and their circuit wiring as ECM outputs with
the Diagnostic Display (see Diagnostic Display in the
Troubleshooting section of this chapter). If the Diagnos-
tic Display verifies that solenoid coils and circuit wiring
are functioning correctly, no further testing is necessary.
2. If the Diagnostic Display determines that coils and
circuit wiring are not functioning correctly, park machine
on level surface, lower cutting units, stop engine, apply
parking brake and remove key from ignition switch.
3. To gain access to cutting unit control manifold (Fig.
51), raise and prop the operator seat. Access to the lift
control manifold (Fig. 52) can be obtained by removing
the operator floor plate.
4. Disconnect harness electrical connector from hy-
draulic solenoid valve coil that is to be tested (Fig. 51 or
NOTE: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter, short the meter test leads together.
The meter may display a small resistance value (usually
0.5 ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal
resistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this val-
ue from from the measured value of the component you
are testing.
5. Using a multimeter (ohms setting), measure resis-
tance between the two connector terminals on the sole-
noid valve coil. The resistance for the solenoid coils is
identified below:
Solenoid Valve Coil
MSV1 and MSV2
SV1 and SV3
SV2 and SVRV
6. If solenoid coil resistance is incorrect, replace sole-
noid (see Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Coil Removal and
Installation in the Service and Repairs section of this
Electrical System
8.7 ohms
8.7 ohms
7.1 ohms
Page 5 - - 40
NOTE: The two solenoid valve coils on the mow control
manifold (MSV1 and MSV2) are identical. Solenoid
valve coils SV2 and SVRV on the lift control manifold are
identical and are the same as those used on the mow
manifold. The remaining two lift manifold coils (SV1 and
SV3) are identical. To assist in troubleshooting, identical
coils can be exchanged. If the problem follows the ex-
changed coil, an electrical problem likely exists. If the
problem remains unchanged, something other than the
solenoid coil is the problem source (e.g. switch, circuit
wiring, hydraulic problem).
7. Connect harness electrical connector to the solenoid
valve coil.
8. Lower and secure seat if cutting unit control manifold
was accessed. Install operator floor plate if lift control
manifold was accessed.
Figure 51
1. Cutting unit manifold
2. MSV2 solenoid
Figure 52
1. Lift manifold
2. SV3 solenoid
3. SV2 solenoid
3. MSV1 solenoid
4. SVRV solenoid
5. SV1 solenoid
Reelmaster 5010 Series