The purpose of this procedure is to provide an effective way to determine what R/W
component is failing. The procedure is comprised of three major sections. Initial
checks, failure analysis and FRU replacement. This procedure should help you reduce
the number of components replaced before fixing the machine.
Initial Checks
Check and adjust as necessary the following:
• -4 and +6 volts (see 08-570)
• Vacuum and pressure (see 08-400,08-405)
• Tape path obstructions
Check the following components for wear or oxide buildup.
- Erase head
- Filler block
- Auto cleaner
- Tape path area
• Clean the head
• Read head card and write head card seating
Failure Analysis
• Sense Data - Sense can be obtained from the following areas:
Console messages
- OLTs
The sense data can be analyzed using the sense analysis flowchart in this manual.
• OLTs - Tests A-W should be run using a good test tape. If no failures occur use
the customer's failing tape, also try another tape drive.
• Scoping - The following items should be scoped to determine failing components.
Stability - Scope the analog signals on each track, the amplitudes should be con-
stant and about equal between tracks.
Forward to Backward Ratio - The analog signal amplitude in any track while read-
ing backward should not be less than 50% of the signal amplitude reading forward.
_ Only replace the head if experiencing read backward problems.