IELTS Writing Task 1: All different types you need to know!

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardised test that measures language proficiency for academic, work or immigration purposes. One of the IELTS exam sections is called Task 1, ariting task in which test-takers are asked to describe, summarise, or explain data or information presented in a visual or written form.

Three main types of Task 1 in the IELTS exam:

  1. Graphs and charts: Test-takers may be asked to describe a graph, chart, or table that presents data. This could be a line graph showing changes over time, a bar chart comparing different categories, or a pie chart showing proportions. You can find a sample essay at the end of this post. 

  1. Maps: In the IELTS Writing Task 1, you may be asked to describe a map. This task tests your ability to select and report the main features, describe the location and layout of a place, and use appropriate vocabulary to describe spatial relationships. You can find a sample essay at the end of this post. 

  1. Diagrams: This task tests your ability to select and report the main features, describe the functions and processes shown in the diagram, and use appropriate vocabulary to describe how the diagram works. You can find a sample essay at the end of this post. 

Test your skills on IELTS Writing Task 1 with these FREE Tests:

Pie Charts, Maps, Diagrams

Academic Vocabulary for IELTS Task 1

The IELTS Academic vocabulary used in the IELTS Academic Writing test is academic in nature and includes words and phrases commonly used in academic settings. These may consist of technical terms, scientific terminology, and academic jargon. You must have a strong command of academic language to succeed on the IELTS Academic test.

 For graphs and charts:

  • To express trends;
    • you can use increase, decrease, rise, fall, go up, go down, climb, drop, fluctuate, remain steady and plateau. 
  • To express data;
    • you can use figures, statistics, quantitative information, numeric data, and results.

For maps:

  • To express changes that happened;
    • you can use developed, constructed, built, expanded, renovated, demolished and removed.
  • To express locations and layout;
    • you can use central, downtown, suburban, urban, rural, residential, industrial, commercial, recreational, and educational. 

For diagrams

  • To express a process;
    • you can use convert, transform, process, manufacture, produce, generate, transform, refine, or purify. 
  • To express a function;
    • you can use operate, work, function, perform, execute, achieve, and carry out. 

How to Achieve a High Band Score in IELTS Writing Task 1

Check this post on How to Write IELTS Task 1 to get 7+ on your IELTS Writing Exam

Regardless of the type of Task 1, you are expected to write a coherent and well-organized essay that presents the main features and trends of the data or information presented. This may involve making comparisons, identifying trends, or discussing the implications of the data. It is important to use a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures to accurately and effectively convey information and get a high score in IELTS Writing. 

Overall, Task 1 in the IELTS writing exam tests your ability to understand and analyse visual or written information and to communicate this information effectively in written form. By practising this type of task, you can improve your writing skills and increase your chances of success on the IELTS exam. 

Read this article about How to write IELTS Task 1 to learn more!

You can find the different IELTS writing task 1 samples here. 

Pie Charts, Maps, Diagrams

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