Confirming pair operations (pairevtwait)
The pair event waiting (pairevtwait) command is used to wait for
completion of pair creation and pair resynchronization and to check status
becomes identical to a specified status, then completes. The pairevtwait
command can be used for a paired logical volume or a group of paired
volumes. The primary volume's host is automatically detected by the pair
event waiting command, so the host does not need to be specified in the
pair event waiting command parameters.
Table 1-7
and returned values. The pair event waiting command waits until the
specified status is established, and terminates abnormally if an abnormal
status is detected. The transition of the paired volume status is judged by
the status of the primary volume. If the event waiting command is issued
for a group, the command waits until the status of each volume in the group
becomes identical to the specified status. When the event waiting command
with the –nowait option is issued for a group, the status is returned if the
status of each volume in the group is identical. This command must be used
to confirm a pair status transition.
Hitachi AMS 2000 Family Command Control Interface (CCI) Reference Guide
1-20). It waits ("sleeps") until the paired volume status
lists and describes the pair event waiting command parameters
Figure 1-20: Pair Event Waiting
Table 1-7: Pairevtwait Command Parameters
pairevtwait -h -q -z -I[H M][instance#] -g group -d pair Vol -
d[g] <raw_device> [MU#] -FHORC -FMRCF [MU#] -d[g] <seq#>
<LDEV#> [MU#] -s[s] status> ... -t timeout[interval] -nowait[s] -l
-nomsg }
Performing CCI Operations