FSPF Global Configuration
SPF Computational Hold Times
The SPF computational hold time sets the minimum time between two consecutive SPF computations on the
VSAN. Setting this to a small value means that FSPF reacts faster to any fabric changes by recomputing paths
on the VSAN. A small SPF computational hold time uses more switch CPU time.
Link State Records
Each time a new switch enters the fabric, a link state record (LSR) is sent to the neighboring switches and is
then flooded throughout the fabric.
The following table displays the default settings for switch responses.
Table 25: LSR Default Settings
LSR Option
Acknowledgment interval
Refresh time (LSRefreshTime)
Maximum age (MaxAge)
The LSR minimum arrival time is the period between receiving LSR updates on this VSAN. Any LSR updates
that arrive before the LSR minimum arrival time are discarded.
The LSR minimum interval time is the frequency at which this switch sends LSR updates on a VSAN.
Configuring FSPF on a VSAN
You can configure an FSPF feature for the entire VSAN.
1. configure terminal
2. fspf config vsan vsan-id
3. spf static
4. spf hold-time value
5. region region-id
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
Configuring Fibre Channel Routing Services and Protocols
5 seconds
30 minutes
60 minutes
The time a switch waits for an
acknowledgment from the LSR
before retransmission.
The time a switch waits before
sending an LSR refresh
The time a switch waits before
dropping the LSR from the