Displaying Port Security Configuration
Use the port-security clear vsan command to clear the pending session in the VSAN from any switch in the
switch# clear port-security session vsan 5
Displaying Port Security Configuration
The show port-security database commands display the configured port security information. You can
optionally specify a fWWN and a VSAN, or an interface and a VSAN in the show port-security command
to view the output of the activated port security.
Access information for each port can be individually displayed. If you specify the fWWN or interface options,
all devices that are paired in the active database (at that point) with the given fWWN or the interface are
The following example shows how to display the port security configuration database:
switch# show port-security database
The following example shows how to display the port security configuration database for VSAN 1:
switch# show port-security database vsan 1
The following example shows how to display the activated database:
switch# show port-security database active
The following example shows how to display difference between the temporary configuration database and
the configuration database:
switch# show port-security pending-diff vsan 1
The following example shows how to display the configured fWWN port security in VSAN 1:
switch# show port-security database fwwn 20:01:00:05:30:00:95:de vsan 1
The following example shows how to display the port security statistics:
switch# show port-security statistics
The following example shows how to verify the status of the active database and the auto-learning configuration:
switch# show port-security status
Default Settings for Port Security
The following table lists the default settings for all port security features in any switch.
Table 37: Default Security Settings
Port security
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
Enabled if port security is enabled.
Enabling distribution enables it on all
VSANs in the switch.
Configuring Port Security