show clock
Use the show clock command in Privileged EXEC or User EXEC mode to
display the time and date from the system clock. Use the show clock detail
command to show the time zone and summertime configuration.
Syntax Description
show clock [detail]
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
User EXEC, Privileged EXEC, Config mode and all Config sub-modes
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example shows the time and date only.
console# show clock
15:29:03 PDT(UTC-7) Jun 17 2005
Time source is SNTP
The following example shows the time, date, timezone, and summertime
console# show clock detail
15:29:03 PDT(UTC-7) Jun 17 2005
Time source is SNTP
Time zone:
Acronym is PST
Offset is UTC-7
Clock Commands