Feature Current
Sector Count Current
Sector Count Previous
Sector Number Current
Sector Number Previous
Cylinder Low Current
Cylinder Low Previous
Cylinder High Current
Cylinder High Previous
Input Parameters From The
Sector Number (HOB=0)
Sector Number (HOB=1)
Cylinder Low (HOB=0)
Cylinder Low (HOB=1)
Cylinder High (HOB=0)
Cylinder High (HOB=1)
CCTO (Error, bit 0)
SE (Status, bit 5)
DWE (Status, bit 4)
The number of continuous sectors to be transferred low order,
bits (7:0)
The number of continuous sectors to be transferred high
order, bits (15:8).
register, then 65,536 sectors will be transferred.
LBA (7:0).
LBA (31:24).
LBA (15:8).
LBA (39:32).
LBA (23:16).
LBA (47:40).
LBA (7:0) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
LBA (31:24) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
LBA (15:8) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
LBA (39:32) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
LBA (23:16) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
LBA (47:40) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
CCTO bit shall be set to one if a Command Completion Time
Limit Out error has occurred.
SE (Stream Error) shall be set to one if an error has
occurred during the execution of the command and the RC bit
is set to one.
In this case the LBA returned in the Sector
Number registers shall be the address of the first sector in
error, and the Sector Count registers shall contain the num-
ber of consecutive sectors that may contain errors.
RC bit is set to one when the command is issued and a UNC,
IDNF, ABRT, or CCTO error occurs, the SE bit shall be set to
one, the ERR bit shall be cleared to zero, and the bits that
would normally be set in the Error register shall be set in
the error log.
DWE (Deferred Write Error) shall be set to one if an error
was detected in a deferred write to the media for a previous
Write Stream DMA or Write Stream PIO command.
from a previously issued command.
location of the deferred error is only reported in the Write
Stream error log.
Deskstar 7K160 Hard Disk Drive Specification
If zero is specified in the Sector Count
If DWE is set to one, the
If the
This error is