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Logical And Physical Locations; Physical Location Codes; Location Code Format - IBM 6H0 Service Manual

Rs/6000 enterprise server
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Logical and Physical Locations

The system uses physical location codes in conjunction with AIX location codes to
provide mapping of the failing field replaceable units (FRUs). The location codes are
produced by the system unit's firmware and the AIX operating system.

Physical Location Codes

Physical location codes provide a mapping of logical functions in a platform (or
expansion sites for logical functions, such as connectors or ports) to their specific
locations within the physical structure of the platform.

Location Code Format

The format for the location code is a string of alphanumeric characters separated by a
dash (-), slash (/), pound sign (#) or period (.) character. The base location is all of the
information preceding the slash (/) or pound sign (#). The base location identifies a
device that is connected to or plugged into the parent. Extended location information
follows the slash (/). Extended location information identifies a device that is part of the
parent, a connector, or a cable. Cable information follows the pound sign (#). Cable
information identifies a cable that is connector to parent. The following are examples:
v P1-C1 identifies a processor card C1 plugged into planar P1.
v P1-M1 identifies a memory card M1 plugged into planar P1.
v P1-K1 identifies a keyboard attached to K1 on planar P1.
v P1/S1 identifies serial port 1 controller on planar P1, the connector for serial port 1,
or the cable attached to serial port 1.
v P1-I2/E3 identifies an Ethernet controller 3 on the card in slot 2 (I2) on planar P1, the
connector for Ethernet controller 3, or the cable attached to Ethernet controller 3.
v P1-I2#E3 identifies the cable attached to Ethernet controller 3 on the card in slot 2
(I2) on planar P1.
The period (.) identifies sublocations (DIMMs on a memory card, SCSI addresses,
cables). The following are examples:
v P1-M1.4 identifies DIMM 4 on memory card 1 plugged into planar P1.
v P1-C1.1 identifies processor 1 plugged into processor card 1 which is plugged into
planar P1.
v U0.1-P1/Z1–A3 identifies a SCSI device with SCSI ID 3 attached to SCSI bus 1 on
planar 1 in the primary I/O drawer.
v P2-Z1-A3.1 identifies a SCSI device with SCSI address of LUN 1 at SCSI ID 3
attached to SCSI bus 1 from planar 2.
v P1-I2#E3.2 identifies the second in a series of cables attached to Ethernet controller
3 on the card in slot 2 (I2) on planar P1.
Depending on the AIX and firmware levels, AIX diagnostics may include the extended
location information when identifying a planar or card. The extended location
information or cable information is always included when identifying a cable or
connector. Location codes with extended location information that are displayed without
a description identifying the devices always identify the cable attached to the port.
Service Guide


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This manual is also suitable for:

6h1Eserver pseries 660 6h0Eserver pseries 660 6h1

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