Default Configuration
There is no default configuration for this command.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
console#clear vpc statistics
debug vpc
Use the debug vpc command to enable debug traces for the specified
protocols. Use the no form of the command to disable all or some of the
debug trace display.
debug vpc {peer-keepalive [packet]| peer-link {control-message | data-
message} | peer detection | core}
no debug vpc [{peer-keepalive [packet]| peer-link {control-message | data-
message} | peer detection | core]
peer-keepalive—Displays the debug traces for the keepalive state machine
transitions. The packet option enables debug traces for the keep-alive
packets exchanged between the MLAG peer devices on the peer link.
peer-link—In error cases, enables the debug traces for the control
messages or data messages exchanged between the MLAG devices on the
peer link.
peer detection—Enables the debug traces dual control plane detection
protocol. Traces are seen when DCPDP state changes occur
(enable/disable, peer detected, ...).
core—Displays the MLAG core messages.