Contact Cisco TAC for more information and assistance.
Step 1
In the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, select one of the following windows:
• Device > Device settings > Common Phone Profile
• System > Enterprise Phone Configuration
• Device > Phone
Step 2
Set the following parameters:
• Log Profile - values: Preset (default), Default, Telephony
• Remote Log - values: Disable (default), Enable
• IPv6 Log Server or Log Server - IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 address)
• The format for the IPv4 Log Server address is address:<port>@@base=<0-7>;pfs=<0-1>
• The format for the IPv6 Log Server address is [address]:<port>@@base=<0-7>;pfs=<0-1>
• Where:
Additional Troubleshooting Information
If you have additional questions about troubleshooting your phone, go to the following Cisco website and
navigate to the desired phone model:
When the Log Server cannot be reached, the phone stops sending debug messages.
◦ the IPv4 address is separated with dot (.)
◦ the IPv6 address is separated with colon (:)
Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 10.0
Additional Troubleshooting Information