Acquiring the Measured Values
The measured value transmitted by the DLE 150 Connect is always dis-
played in the "BOSCH DLE 150" software. At the next measurement, the
value is overwritten. In addition, the transmitted measured value can be
entered in another application software at the same time when this soft-
ware was started before the measurement.
Processing Measured Values in the "BOSCH DLE 150" Software
The currently displayed measured value can transferred to the clipboard
of the PC or PDA and entered in other programs as required.
Inserting Measured Values in an Application Software
The measured values transmitted by the DLE 150 Connect can be en-
tered directly in any software (e.g. Microsoft
start the application software on the PC or PDA and open the file in which
the measured values are to be inserted. Place the cursor at the location
at which the next measured value is to be entered. Then perform the
measurement. The measured value is inserted at the position marked by
the cursor.
Switching from the Application Program to the "BOSCH DLE 150"
By means of the
to the "BOSCH DLE 150" software at any time. The last transmitted
measured value can be checked here.
1 609 929 F53 • (04.07) T
To cut out, copy or delete the measured val-
ue, select the corresponding menu item in
the "Edit" menu on the menu bar.
On a PDA in the Microsoft
the table cell E19 (shown here) was select-
ed. The value 23.35 m was then measured
with the DLE 150 Connect. This value is au-
tomatically entered in the selected table cell
E19 and is available there for further calcula-
status symbol in the menu bar, it is possible to switch
Excel). For this purpose,
Excel program,