7. Press Enter.
8. Press Start or Return to exit the Menu. See "Exiting the Configuration Menu"
Print Quality
When emulation mode is set to 4247, 4202 III XL, or 2381 Personal Printer, you can
set the printer to any of the following values:
v DP (Data Processing) Quality (Default)
v DP Text Quality
v Near Letter Quality
When emulation mode is set to Epson-FX, you can set the printer to any of the
following values:
v DP Quality (Default)
v Courier
v Gothic
1. This parameter can be overridden by the computer.
2. Only OCR-A and OCR-B are valid when either OCR-A or OCR-B is selected as
To change or check the Print Quality, follow these steps:
1. Press Menu.
2. Press Scroll or Scroll until the printer displays
3. Press Enter.
4. Press Scroll or Scroll until the printer displays
5. Press Enter to display the current value.
6. Press Scroll or Scroll until the desired value for Print Quality is displayed.
7. Press Enter.
8. Press Start or Return to exit the Menu. See "Exiting the Configuration Menu"
NLQ Typeface
This parameter is displayed when emulation mode is set to 4247, 4202 III XL, or
2381 Personal Printer. This parameter allows you to set the font to be used for
Near Letter Quality printing. The following values are:
v Courier (Default)
4247 Model 003 User's Guide
An asterisk (*) will be displayed in front of the selected value.
on page 55.
the print language.
Parallel Configuration
Parallel Configuration
Print Quality
An asterisk (*) will be displayed in front of the selected value.
on page 55.