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Characters Per Inch (CPI), parallel
parameter 117
Characters Per Inch (CPI), twinax
parameter 77
Characters Per Inch, parallel
parameter 132
checking and changing configuration
parameters 53
configuration categories 56
exiting the configuration menu 55
checking parameter values 54
clearance, operating and service 324
coax attachment, configuring 89
coax attachment, selecting 73
coax cables
IBM cabling system 331
ordering cables and
connectors 331
signal cables and connectors 330
telephone twisted-pair 332
coax configuration
alarm control 112
bar code mode 110
characters per inch 89
emulation mode 93
graphics mode 111
lines per inch 90
maximum page length 92
maximum print position 91
media size priority 97
mono/dual case 96
print language 94
print quality 94
print text direction 97
single/double space 90
using programmed symbols 113
Condensed Print, parallel parameter 129
configuration categories
attachment selection 57
coax configuration 59
configuration storage 56
display language 65, 177
parallel configuration 60
power on reset 65, 175
printer adjustment 64, 159
printer setup 63
quit from menu 66
rear tractor use 57
send buffer reprint code 66
twinax configuration 58
vital product data 66, 181
Configuration Menu
Attachment Selection category 73
canceling changes 183
categories (summary) 56
changing 54, 55
Coax Configuration category 89
Configuration Storage category 67
Display Language 177
Parallel Configuration category 117
Power-On Reset 175
Printer Adjustments category 159
Printer Setup category 143
Rear Tractor Use category 75
Send Buffer Reprint Code (Coax) 179
Twinaxial Configuration category 77
Vital Product Data 181
4247 Model 003 User's Guide
configuration problems 319
configuration storage
custom sets 67
non-custom set 67
power-on custom set 70
power-on paper source 70
recall custom set values 69
recall factory defaults 71
save current values 68
configuration values, changing 54
dual push forms path 225
front push forms path 195
push-pull forms path 261
rear pull forms path 243
rear push forms path 207
Connection Type, serial parameter 141
cord 17
identifying 7
connector, V 25
Continuous Forms Eject Mode, printer
setup parameter 152
Continuous Forms Linking, printer setup
parameter 147
Courier, parallel attachment 124
Courier, parallel NLQ Typeface 124
CPI, coax parameter 89
CPI, parallel parameter 117
CPI, twinax parameter 77
Custom Set in Use Indicator 40
custom sets, configuration storage
value 67
Data Bits, serial parameter 138
Data Stream, twinax parameter 83
deactivating Form Feed key 148
defaults (factory), restoring 71
delayed ejection 152
demo pages, print 273
Device Specific Information,
changing 181
dimensions, printer 325
direction (text), coax 97
Display Address/Return (Twinax),
function key 43
display language 177
Double Space, coax parameter 90
DP (Data Processing) Quality, coax 94
DP (Data Processing) Quality, parallel
attachment 124
DP (Data Processing) Quality, twinax 80
DP Text Quality, coax 94
DP Text Quality, parallel attachment 124
DP Text Quality, twinax 80
drivers, installing 33
Dual Case, coax parameter 96
dual push
configuring printer for 225
forms specifications 283
installing forms tractor 216
loading forms for 226
stack locations 288
stacking recommendations 286
Early Print Complete, coax
parameter 107
ejection, automatic 150
ejection, delayed 152
ejection, immediate 152
electrical requirements
branch circuits and grounding 338
plugs and receptacles 339
power cord 338
safety 338
Emulation Mode, coax parameter 93
Emulation Mode, parallel parameter 121
Emulation Mode, twinax parameter 84
Enter (Twinax), function key 43
envelopes, specifying for ASF 145
environmental requirements
nonoperating 337
operating 336
shipping 337
storage 337
Epson-FX emulation, parallel
attachment 121
code page definitions 359
currency symbol support 359
data stream support 361
operator panel support 360
exiting the Configuration Menu 55
factory defaults, restoring 71
Form Feed Command Position, coax
parameter 103
Form Feed Followed by Data, coax
parameter 101
Form Feed is Last Character in Print
Order, coax parameter 101
Form Feed Mode, printer setup
parameter 148
Form Feed Suppression, parallel
parameter 127
Form Feed, function key 49
Format/Online (Coax), status
indicator 39
forms (continuous), linking 147
forms (front), backing up 146
forms (rear), backing up 147
forms jam sensor 197
forms parking 234
forms path, special forms 187
forms thickness (ASF Bin 1),
adjusting 164
forms thickness (ASF Bin 2),
adjusting 166
forms thickness (ASF Bin 3),
adjusting 168
forms thickness (front), adjusting 160
forms thickness (manual), adjusting 170
forms thickness (rear), adjusting 162
forms tractor
dual push 218
front push 194
push-pull 254

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This manual is also suitable for:

4247 model 003

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