Installation with Remote Ventilator (cont.)
V T R 1 4 0 0 Q
Mounting Remote Ventilator Onto Roof or
Outside Wall Model V T R 1 4 0 0 Q
N o t e s : Be sure to check ove rall ventilator dimensions.
R e m ove and discard shipping bra c ket ( attached to
bottom of motor and inlet collar ) . Check to see if
ventilator wheel turns freely. Do not replace top
until installation is complete. The remote ve n t i l a t o r
must be installed such that the exhaust/discharge is
12" minimum from the ground leve l . H owe ve r, t h e r e
are some local codes that this type of installation
is not allowe d . For example, in places where there
is a lot of snow that will prevent the damper from
opening because of the snow blocking the exhaust.
We are recommending that the installer should
check their local codes for this type of outdoor wall
installation of the ve n t i l a t o r.
1 . P r ovide 14" x 14" square hole through roof or
w a l l , o r cut round hole for duct with a separate
hole for electrical conduit as shown at ri g h t .
2 . For installation on a flat roof, or roofs with pitch
less than 1
" in 12 inches, install VTR1400Q on
curb as shown at right bottom. Position the curb
on flat roofs so that the discharg e ( l ow ) end points
aw ay from prevailing winds.
3 . Install the remote ventilator on the roof or wall
with discharge pointing down slope ) according to
the Standard Roofing Procedures ( front discharge
edge should be on the top of shingles and the
rear edge underneath the shingles ) .
N o t e : The unit must be sealed between the roof
( or wall ) and the underside of the flange with
r o o fing mastic to prevent leaks.
4 . Connect ventilator to the exhaust system 10"
round duct for V T R 1 4 0 0 Q. Use adjustable elbow
to adjust to roof angle.
5 . Tape all joints to prevent air leaks.
6 . C l e a rance to combu s t i ble material is 0. "
VTR1400Q Cutout Dimensions
C u r b
For installation on a flat roof, or roofs
with pitch less than 1
" in 12 inches.